
Uh, FO76 is nothing like Destiny. It’s basically FO4 - human NPCs + multiplayer. The core loop of explore -> kill -> scavenge -> craft is still intact. Human NPCs are going to be added in the Wastelanders update, though that’s been delayed into next year.

The real news here is the unlimited crafting storage. Storage space has been one of THE biggest complaints in 76. Paying for unlimited storage is likely to peeve a few people. 

Is that really a GNX though? Maybe it’s just the angle of the photo, but the front fender vents appear to be missing.


The “local machine” isn’t the problem. You could be sitting on the most powerful machine in the world, and if your network infrastructure is crap it’ll still run streaming like crap.

Does that mean the game plays itself? Give the game a year, the google will take all the inputs for the game for that year. And then apply that to the game and assume what the player wants to do. If you just hold the forward button every game will just be another ‘Inside’ and you win the next God of War. Hurray.

So we agree that Trump has likely never smoked weed, but he’s for sure taken enough perscription pills to kill most of the race horses on Earth, right? I mean, I see him doing that and not counting it as “drugs” because it was from a doctor, or some sort of “medical person” who told him it would increase his manliness

Dude...She apologized to and received forgiveness from leadership of the tribe from which she claimed ancestry. Case closed.

No one respects anything you have to say and you should consider that before you ever post again.

It’ll do circles, like it was intended to.

Hello Oversteer, my old friend
I’ve come to talk with you again
Because a vision softly creeping
Of a HellKitty quickly fleeing
And the excrement that left a stain
Still remains
Within the sound of superchargers

They’ll still get it. It’ll just be shot entirely on an iPhone from here on out.

Lincoln LS

I checked all the porn this weekend, did not see him.

I’m surprised that Banana Splits are considered obscure to people who professionally report on pop culture. FWIW, they were not animatronic, just guys in costumes. The show was peppered with running cartoons such as Gulliver’s Travels, my first introduction to Swift. The Dickies covered the theme song. They have a dece

I know, right?  When E. coli in spinach makes a lot of people sick, it’s usual to pull it from the shelves for a while and recall whole batches.  And you don’t see a bunch of bloggers going, “Stop the spinach panic! I have been eating spinach for six years and I’m fine.”

Honestly, the reaction to the Vape “panic” is a legitimate and reasonable reaction - something is shown to be correlated to making a bunch of people sick, and places decide to stop selling it until more information is known. That is a very sane reaction.

I have been Juuling for years . . . Common sense would dictate that if vaping were so dangerous that we all need to stop vaping immediately, that people would have fallen sick before this summer.”

To be fair:

Tell that to my friend’s fiancee and his family....he is sitting in the hospital right this very second with a lung infection that won’t go away and is resisting all forms of antibiotic. He didn’t vape any blackmarket THC. He has been vaping, normally and legally for about 2 years.