
What is it with Indiana and murals?

There aren’t any details yet on exactly what roles Dotel and Castillo are alleged to have played in this network

Plus, you’re definitely going to be listening to Wilson as the hot-hitting analyst on Monday Night Football games for the rest of your life when he retires in 15 years.

oh no, Marlins Man has a child army now

I would assume Glass Joe is suffering from CTE at this point ? Unless he’s dead already

BECAUSE ANYONE WEARING HEADPHONES OR TALKING ON A CELL PHONE  never does it at conversational levels. IT’S LIKE THEY’RE TALKING IN ALL CAPS WHICH IS ANNOYING AS HELL, rather than using a conversational volume.  And because bars are places you go to talk to others or to hear music, and NOT TO HEAR ONE-SIDED

Sorry Joel, I don’t go to bars to make your job fun.

Isn’t closing the menu and putting it down on the table still the universal symbol for “I’m ready to order”?

A bearded young man with tan skin who can’t speak English?  Texans would murder him like immediately.

“I’m just doing my job.” Now, where have we heard that before?

You really can’t dis-aggregate misogyny from racism and other bigotries. They go hand-in-hand the vast majority of the time.

Barr should be in one of those prisons. As an inmate, he can become a jailhouse lawyer and rights advocate.

Sadly, every ship’s mate has sailed.

It’s all moot, because their kid is going to root for Madrid and Ninja anyway, and probably won’t give a pig’s whistling asshole about baseball or football. 

Counterpoint: At least half the customers will add salt and pepper to their food automatically without ever even tasting it to see if it needs it. Also, it always needs more salt. A chef’s refined palate, trained to identify flavors and flavor interactions, is not going to be the same as Joe Public’s tastebuds which

yeah, but you have facial features and a personality - two things that a-rod is unburdened by, and you cant have burgled.

This looks positively delirious (sic), except Eddie Murphy seems to be playing Rudy Ray Moore as Eddie Murphy with his mugging and rapid high pitched diction. Maybe recreating Moore’s slower throaty speaking style just didn’t work for an entire movie. Still I’m going to watch the no account rat eating m__f__ out of

I disagree, I think the bigger driver’s door makes the car easier to get in and out of for the vast majority of the time when only one person aboard. Where I live in the city, it’s pretty common to have all passengers get in/out on the curb side for saftey, so the door config works for me.

There was a time in my life when Bush was in office and, deeply naive, I thought I would never be more embarrassed by a president. So it strains my imagination to think about who the Republicans will put in office in 2032.