Mac the Geek

Granted, there are only ten options... but I managed to Name That Province on the first try.

Now, if Spider-Man had picked up a gun, and gone into the seedy apartment building, and murdered all the bad guys, and escaped unharmed while rescuing Jodie Foster, that would have been cinema.

Spider-Man: Box Offices of the Multiverse

Oh, and Deus Ex over Chrono Cross in 2000.

Absolutely no way that Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri loses this award in 1999.  Otherwise, that’s a solid list.

I’m so pasty, my skin burns in moonlight. But damn, these precious snowflakes and their overly sensitive fee-fees.

‘Tis better to remain silent and let John Walker paint you as a fool, than to hop on the NFT train and prove him right.”

Ethereum’s proof-of-stake is six months away.

You could probably find a significant number of Texans who would welcome the distinction.

Came for this.  Leaving protected from Old Man Winter.

Human decisions are removed from home monitoring. Alexa begins to learn at a geometric rate. It becomes self-aware at 2:14 a.m. Eastern time, December 7th. In a panic, they try to pull the plug. Jeff Bezos attempted to escape in his private rocket, but the capsule managed less than one orbit before destroying

Hopefully they right Netflix’s biggest wrong:  releasing new episodes one at a time, rather than dumping an entire season out there at once.

I think Excession is my favorite, but they’re all solid reads.

1977 kids:  “WHO??”

I guess the classic dumb names like Chevy “Nova” and Renault “Le Car” have been retired from competition? 

There’s just one small typo between 1100 and 1110.

So I guess Spacey’s financial world just collapsed like a... something.

I’m looking forward to his next book, Blood, Sweat, and the Head of Bobby Kotick.

If it ain’t Nicholas Hammond, I ain’t buying it.

Bobby Sackville-Baggins disputes your statement.