I have a 12-pack of this at home. Bought it in the STL area, haven’t opened the box yet. Will report back if the cans say NEW YORK on them.
I have a 12-pack of this at home. Bought it in the STL area, haven’t opened the box yet. Will report back if the cans say NEW YORK on them.
Weird Al begs to differ. (I Lost on Jeopardy was released several months before Trebek’s revival of the show in 1984, which is why the song and the video reference Art Fleming’s version.)
An automated host with the synthesized voice of Sam Kinison.
Hey kids! It’s MARK HAMILL!!
David Warner was a badass bigbad when Alan Rickman was still learning to spell “dour”.
So... Wiki Wormhole RFD, coming to ew.com in October?
In an alternate universe where Pixar retained its independence, Zootopia and Wreck-It Ralph were both Pixar films, and these types of articles are about why Frozen 4 is just proof that Disney is out of ideas again.
We have the /s tag for “hey, this is sarcasm”... maybe we should have a /j tag for “hey, this is a joke”. Let’s try it out:
Two of these things are perfectly reasonable.
123 Main Street, Apt. A
within the next few years
Discovery+ fired shots across Disney’s bow by chumming the “D-plus” waters. So Disney turned to NatGeo to release the sharks, while the Marvel and Star Wars groups figure out how to put frickin’ lasers on ‘em for the next salvo.
“interfacial versus pullout” sounds like something from a low-tech family-planning guide.
Make the browser window narrower, until the additional slides “pop” under the first one.
Kotaku: We Ranked 17 of our Most-Hated Slideshows! See where your least-favorite ends up!
I blame Herb Spamfolder.
I’m not saying that we’ve found the driver of the crane truck... but I think we can narrow the field down to 161 or so.
Art Laffer should be a household name. No other individual’s career makes a stronger argument in favor of labor unions.
That’s how camping works at most Micro Centers. You show up, you sit in a chair for a day or three, an employee comes out and gives out as many paper slips as they have cards to sell.