Mac the Geek

East-west national routes are probably pretty straightforward (no pun intended).  You’ve got I-10 and I-20 to the south, and I-70 to the north; pick your poison and go.  It’s the north-south route that’s a mess here.

What’s really eye-popping here is the fact that Memphis’ outer “ring” highway (I-269) runs through Tennessee and Mississippi — but stops on both ends before crossing into Arkansas.

Unsolved Mysteries: Entwives

the throbbing blue line

If you hover your mouse over a person’s screen name, you’ll see a URL pop up in the lower corner of your browser. Any time this clown posts something, the URL will be similar to, but not exactly, the name that you see on the post. Even if he tried to sound like the real Dr. Lizardo, Kinja would give him away every.

Now playing

I was kind of hoping that maybe the Imagineers had put a modern twist on the end of the kiss...

When the Suez Canal was built, there was no such thing as a ship long enough to run aground on both sides.

Given that Yves Guillemot thinks 95% of PC gamers are pirates, Sweeney should have taken credit for keeping that number down under 90.

I’m guessing that a lot of small developers don’t have the time/resources to optimize long-tail sales.  Which really sucks, because that’s where an indie game is going to stand out from the pack.

According to Epic—admittedly a biased source—it spent $1.09 to make $7.20. Now multiply that by hundreds of thousands or millions. That’s a big return on investment.

You wanna call me up, take my number down

It’s an expanded version of the story we saw at the beginning of the first Toy Story. Including the dog with a built-in force field. And a dinosaur who eats force-field dogs.

Poor Adam Sandler, being treated like an actual human being.

I mean... SOMEbody has to have access to all of Jeffrey Epstein’s receipts, right?

He’s also without emotion, cognitive thought, respiration, or any way to take those licensing dollars with him.

You know, it’s been ages since I had any thoughts at all about Clerks, but suddenly I’m right there listening to Randal order the next batch of movies.

I don’t think state legislatures qualify as “The Apollo”, but they definitely host dozens and dozens of Amateur Nights every year.


Honestly, I’ve only read 2 or 3 of the articles.  I see the others, and I guess I’ll just get around to reading them sometime.  It seems like there should be a word for this...

1) Okay, now I’m wondering if there’s a substantive difference between “all of Sacramento” and “Jersey Week”.