That marble reminds me of early-3D-game-era textures. The door, too.
That marble reminds me of early-3D-game-era textures. The door, too.
... I mean, someone has to come in last, right?
Mike Flaherty did hate Alex. He said so.
Day-One DLC: The Manual ($19.95, press (A) to order)
You have a strange way of spelling “Berke Breathed”, but I’ll agree with the basic premise.
The “Cathy” sitcom aired for several years back in the 90s, when it was called “Caroline in the City”.
Paul Bettany was the robot. Paul Reiser was the player/coach of the Chiefs.
I mentioned that something wasn’t quite right about the look, and honestly, I’m struggling to put my finger on it. The pavements are slightly too squared, the roads too neat, too straight, and the colour is a bit off.
On the one hand, I found it hilarious as a teen when watching Doctor Who (classic era) and listening to the “Americans”. Nicola Bryant, just staahhhp.
It wasn’t just the visceral detail on the screen, it was the sound too. Not just the volume, but the surround-speaker positioning. Bullets zipped from front-right to rear-left. If the camera panned toward a sound, the audio panned too. The entire sequence is existentially horrifying; it’s also a masterpiece of cinema.
Man, the last Cyberpunk 2077 delay really rocked the whole industry.
The real estate company was embarrassed by their former employee’s behavior; he should have known to keep the redlining thought process quiet.
The most painful part of JOMTitis is when you look away from your screen and see the sunrise.
Carrey, as Biden, doing Bideny things, then drifting off in mid-sentence...
Malicious intent shouldn’t be presumed where inept eye-hand coordination is quite likely :)
Came here looking for actual Halloween specials.
I don’t swear often.
“He hates these CANS!!!!”
Both of which came several years after Monty Python had a go at it: