
You know, now that power is being produced by the modial interaction of magneto-reluctance and capacitive diractance, and the hydrocoptic marzelvanes, were fitted to the ambifacient lunar waneshaft, it’s my understanding that sidefumbling has been effectively prevented. I’m certain they’ll hit the 500 mark soon.

Barney Visser is the owner of the Furniture Row, so while the team is technically “sponsered” by them, it’s just Visser pouring his own money into the racing hole.

That’s a nice bad decision, though. What a nice way to enjoy bankruptcy.

So that’s what Roy Wort’s been up to.

How are these apps, “annoying?”

I will admit to laughing a bit too hard at this excellent take on all the crashes last night (the biggest of which involved a lot of Cup names):

Same here.

But the last cars to be called Continental weren’t good. In fact, they were terrible. Their body-on-frame construction made everything feel all flobbery, as anyone who’s ever ridden in an old taxi cab could attest. The interior was cheap, filled with plastic. I can’t think of a reason why you’d buy one, other than

Most of those end up with David Tracy, so they’re not with their original owners...

Playing music from my phone to my receiver, which is connected via Ethernet. Pretty common use case. Most (it not all) modern A/V receivers have AirPlay.

I’m still trying to figure out the picture accompanying the Hasselblad. It looks like men’s legs but is that a skirt? (It’s definitely not a kilt.) Are those boxing shorts?

Some said that even the trees had been a bad move, and that no-one should ever have left the oceans.

Really? The only way that women are real is their relationship to men? This works for Joi and Luv, but how does it work for Lt. Joshi? She isn’t defined by any of the men, and is tender, hard, cynical, etc., a full fleshed character arc, even in a small role. How does it work for the leader of the resistance? While

Looks like something Dirk Pitt would drive

Less Waymo, more Wagyu.

Quarks? Do you have to be a particle physicist to drive new cars?

Wow...I was there this last weekend, lol. Looks like I got there just in time. Yep, they were sitting out there on the driveway glowering at everyone. There was an entire family including little kids, standing in the street doing the whole selfie stick thing. We just took a quick shot from the other side of the street

That may be true, but 24 fps is the basis of the language of cinema. 24 fps motion blur is a core part of cinema. One of the major ways visual effects artists make an effect look real is by mimicking 24 fps motion blur. When you add cgi visual effects and get rid of motion blur (and put it in 60 fps) you are now in

also, I disagree that it was self-indulgent. Remember one of the most striking scenes of Season 2 was the first one: five (?) agonizing minutes of Coop lying on the floor, having a torturous conversation with the World’s Slowest Bellhop. Nobody else on TV would have dared shoot a scene that long with so little