
There was an RC glider in that video?

Why is the car that’s going under when the video starts already damaged? Had they gone under a slightly higher bridge before this that already damaged some train cars?

Flat spin can still be deadly. Just ask Meg Ryan.

So filling the back of my volvo p1800es with old lead acid batteries may not be safe

Well it performed about as well as you would expect. Not a good design for where it was going. Pretty sure these stories have all been written before on Jalop. I’ve been reading this site for a long time, I keep getting deja vu.

“Dumbasses completely submerge a car in a dumpster full of water”

if i see so much as a paralegal; hell, even a goddamn intern, i am turning this car around!

I, for one, am glad this joke never dies.


It is about time to shift my Elio reservation to something else.

“Why did you turn?”


There is no such thing as a failed experiment.

Jesus, the Edonis is so awful. It’s like somebody remade Turbo Teen starring Ted Cruz.

And worst of all, they would have to wait fifty years before the Corvette C8 was released.

David, have you made an offer on the Jeep, yet?

Red flag was because of............ ?

Rey being a nobody in terms of the Solo/Skywalker/Palpatine dynasties was the best of all possible outcomes.  Any other outcome requires either undermining existing characters or diminishing Rey.  I hope that sticks.

Good thing that fan appears to have been British. 

Why are the rear wheels caged up?