
Listen, when you’re a parent it is your job to be as embarrassing to your kid as humanly possible. That’s just science.

whatever. She still won the popular slope.

Me too. And that actually happens. Sometimes technology helps:

Nothing good comes from orbs.

I have two kids. I love my kids.

Now playing

Vatanen flat out... The famous ‘Dear God’ video was filmed at the Isle of Man

The SS Rattlestar Neglectica.

9.5 10 10 9.5 10 8* 10

Why is NASCAR so complicated? Setting aside the technical regulations for the cars, the race itself is quite simple.

The title makes me think of that video of the people trying to load a Civic into the back of a truck. “WHY DID YOU TURN”

Dodge missed a golden opportunity to partner with NHRA and encourage owners to take these to the track, not race them on the street.

“Honey you promised me you were going to take down that crappy metal shed this weekend ... remember?”

Our first kid was a precious, little bundle of joy.

I’ve no pity.

They had the option to keep it, get it fixed for free, and get the full settlement amount for their trouble.

It’s not like getting it fixed would have left them with no cash.

It’s also not like getting it fixed would have ruined the car.

They fell to hype, made a rash decision to get rid of a car, and are

I have never heard of this show, or of this person, or if this production company.

D.B. Pooper

Bet he’s taking the D pretty hard!!!

I keep seeing comments online complaining about the beginning of the film being “confusing” but I didn’t have any trouble following it. I got that there were different rebel factions that weren’t all working together (yet). And I knew Galen Erso’s role would be made clear later on.