
There is no place in the article that explains how they would enforce this.

This is spot on. I was working for the Air Force Research Lab and bought the original iPhone day 1. Every co-worker (engineer and scientist) said it was terrible. It didn't have a keyboard like their blackberry "I need buttons!" And it didn't do anything their Motorolla Razer couldn't "Does it play snake?" "Apple

And they're going to build it with 7 watertight compartments, so it will be unsinkable.

Sentimentality aside, F1 has teams with two drivers (per race). Not three, or four.....two. You like a driver? You know his team and his car......Clearly you spot the car and assume it's either your favorite driver or a teammate. Take a closer look at the helmet.

"Throatwobbler Mangrove"

'Warfighters' is a really fucking stupid word. As a professional wordwriter, you should stop using it.

Best approach ever.

But use a digital gauge!

yeah, but it's got Tom Cruise in it. That alone is probably ~90% of the reason I didn't go see this movie.

I alternate ends up and down. That way, there is less of a chance of them "spooning" (yes, I do the same with with spoons) and making it so one side doesn't get clean. I always unload the utensils last, so there isn't a problem grabbing them at an angle to avoid poking myself.

short left plus 1 over crest into Subaru

They do not oppose net neutrality! They oppose Tittle II reclassification. Why every blogger making this mistake?

Looks like foam...

Disclaimer: my favorite driver has been screwed out of 3 Championships because of this "chase" format, so I'm probably a bit biased.

"She's in there," said Alpha Three.

On the upside, you can hear a lot of the other mechanical noises. Break lock ups, tire slip, turbo noise, etc.

That's ridiculous. That's like saying that murder puts money in the economy...funeral home fees, buying a casket, those stupid "in memory of" stickers in car windows... etc.