
Why would I need it to work outdoors? In daylight?

Prople are made up of mostly water. All I have to do is put my fist is some ice cubes for a little while then go around punching people for charity.

The guy didn't desperately try to save his drone...He DID save it. So fix your headline.

by the way, if you are wondering why BART doesn't run 24 hours a day, BART says its due to the need for work crews to travel, set-up, work, and break down equipment in the tunnel. BART wasnt actually built with 24 hour service in mind, either.

I'd have gone with Jalopadonkadonk

'... at least clipping Ward.' That's an unfortunate choice of words, as 'clipping' someone with a vehicle traveling around 40 mph would likely result in significant injury, although of course you may well be right. A commenter here suggested Stewart intended to 'roost him with dirt', which sounds more plausible.

That definition is amazing. You should work for Webster's if this Jalopnik thing doesn't work out.

I've spent the better part of the morning reading the sting opinions of a lot of people. I have watched the video. I have tried to find objective opinions. I'm going with 50/50 at this point.

What the hell is an ADV?

Is "ADV" supposed to be an abbreviation for "Adventure"?

What traffic stop? What speeding ticket?

Just your standard maniacal pedestrian in san francisco.

Glad he found work.

Make sense because, if the Ouya is your only console, there wont be anything left to do except read.

I can't weigh in on whether I believe she should be in jail or not. My gut reaction is "burn the bitch" because what she did was OMG SO FUCKING STUPID.

Lets please fix this quickly as a Seat MTCC race car is not a rally car.

The incident between Perez and Massa was Perez's fault, he even got penalized for the next race

My particular favorite is #5, hood release. Ever try to find it on a Honda Odyssey? Hint: Stick your head near the brake pedal, then turn left. It may look like a good place if you reference a Honda media picture, but if you are actually in the drivers seat, or even looking at the foot-well from the door opening

"You guys like this concept?"