
1st. Anyone can do that if you have a freaking S15 that is being stolen.

I just hope I go quietly in my sleep like my grandpa, not screaming in terror like his passengers.

Typical Evo vs Subie one-upmanship at it’s finest!

I mistakenly tried to put diesel in my car once, but the filler nozzle is much bigger than a gas one and it wouldn’t fit.

Hmmm... It looks like his tach and speedo aren't working properly. He can probably find some tips in some 240sx forums about how to check them out.

Ray? Is that you?

Don’t forget that the HRT car was built by Dallara. They are currently building the cars for Haas’ first season.

Turkey is now claiming that they didn’t realize it was a Russian plane.

Is it just me, or wasn’t that only two spins?

He should have saved a bit of his electricity for some lights in the first video. You can't see anything that happens!

Disabling Gatekeeper is a really bad idea. If you want to run a non-signed app that you trust you should use right-click > Open... On the app to add it to the approved list in the finder.

I like that he has mastered the art of of blocking the view of the camera. The direct ahead camera is blocked by the wiper blade, but the second camera being blocked by the camera that is blocked by the wiper blade is a masterstroke of YouTube meta.

It’s hard to tell without a digital gauge. A pelican stole mine though.

I think that you mean these are the most common deal breakers. None of them are popular.

Did you put Hillary Clinton in a time machine?

While there are plenty of nits to pick here the overall production is just outstanding. Well done.

Having a really hard time believing the laptop one.

A quick correction. They didn’t tell us not to show up until noon. They told us that they won’t let us in until noon.

It’s all fun and games until your steam tractor explodes and kills everybody though.

Must.Resist.Urge to write impassioned RToJ defense…