
Very critically the list of tools is missing a jack stands. Never, ever, ever work under or on a car that is only on a jack!

I’m wondering if maybe he means that he wouldn’t spend his hard earned money on a Cadillac.

I have no idea what they are trying to say about auto manufacturing here. Do they think that it takes 18 weeks to produce 168 cars?

Editing YouTubers! EDITING!

It seems a shame to limit Armstrong’s badassery to just one flight. From fighter pilot, to test pilot, to astronaut, his life was filled with badass moments.


Whatever he did, it made that motorcycle very angry with him.

This situation really blows.

What's up with them MX bars on the CBR?

The new Harry Potter ride at Universal Studio in FL is astounding. You sit in a row of seats that takes you all over Hogwarts. Technically it’s done with a combination of industrial robotic arms to move you, large domed screens that you are inserted into with IMAX style video, and practical effects. It is very very

Whew! I'm glad you said that, I thought it was because I was having a stroke!

The photorealistic ones were done with a reference photo underneath. The characters are sketched on top and then the background is popped in from the photo.

The most frustrating thing about the top course chart is that they seem to be levels that everyone saw on YouTube before the game even came out! I wish Nintendo had done a reset on the ranking boards at launch day.

Now playing

Here is a longer video that includes these fuckknuckles standing around looking at the cars after parking.

I can’t believe I’m feeding a troll here but…

Agreed! The Japanese version is simply a lot of fun packed into each episode. They do little features on some of the more famous competitors, but no drawn out fake dramas.

Just having the rope seems like less of a challenge than the half rope, half wall climb final stage of Sasuke.

Hang on a second. Does this truck really have a composite block? It's not made of metal?

Have you ever wanted to get liquored up and then play lacrosse in bumper cars? If so, Whirlyball is for you!

I’ve not really been following this game, but are there other parts to it that the QTEs?