
I would think termites or even wasps would be better choices for builders. The termites can already build with sand and saliva, and the wasps are experts at paper maché.

The big downside is that when folded the ends of the table are touching the ground so it can easily get dirty.

The trick is to do it in somebody elses pool, while they are at work. Surprise!

I think I would have rented a plane or helicopter...

There is a reason that David Hockney is a world famous artist, and that I have never heard of this guy.

I'm not sure what the point of exactly recreating a photograph in a painting is. There is nothing that I gain looking at the painting rather than the photo other than a sense of wonder that someone would spend weeks of their life to make something so devoid of artistry and interpretation.To each his own I guess...

These will bought by large companies for product development, but also by service bureaus that freelance designers will be able to send their designs to.

Missiles replaced bombers as far at land targets are concerned. For air to air, missiles largely replaced guns.

There has been a lot of recent progress in magnetic fields influencing brainwaves and moods, and there have been implants that stimulate orgasms for many years. Leary may not have been so far off in his predictions, but I think these becoming actual products (illicit or legal) is at least a decade away.

Anybody who builds stuff appreciates the fact that 12 is easily divisible by 2, 3, 4, and 6 allowing you to easily find 1/6, 1/4, 1/3, and 1/2 points. On the other hand 10 is divisible by 2 and 5, not nearly as flexible or easy to divide in your head, as nearly everything comes out with multiple decimals.

It's a bad sign that there is no continuous shot longer than 2 seconds showing it flying. I suspect that means it stinks as well as it being absurdly overpriced. Non phone controlled good quality planes of similar size are $30 - $60.

Electric nosewheels have been promised since the 80's or even earlier.

They should have stopped just before the giant painting at the end. It is so hard to know when to stop.

Dear Prudence is actually much improved, without getting so trippy that it is not recognizable. I am not sure that the difference in the pressings is responsible as much as variations in the speed of the turntable.

This guy is one of the strangest conceptual artists I have ever seen, viewing the whole world from a slingshot perspective. It makes me happy that he is so successful.

There are already several brands of airless bike tires.

Now if they could put a fast drive in there that could actually take advantage of the thunderbolt interface instead the slooooow ones they put in the previous models.

Now if they could put a fast drive in there that could actually take advantage of the thunderbolt interface instead the slooooow ones they put in the previous models.

I imagine something like the DLP tech with the tiny moving mirrors might work, or maybe there is a grid with many angles that by choosing which one the laser hits it makes that "pixel" position.

Brought to you by a grant from the Samsung and Microsoft corporations.