
While I am very creative alone, I seem to have even more and better ideas when interacting with others.

Just like the Paper app (once you add in even a few of the extras), this stylus is nice but overpriced for what you get. There are better and cheaper apps like "Sketches", and there are styli with the same features for 1/2 the price, and styli that offer pressure sensitivity for $9 dollars more like the Pogo. Spend

Do we have any of these in Russia? If not why don't we?

More pictures of the ships and more footage of them flying would have been good.

I got some Solitude X NR headphones for air and bus travel, and they worked out great. They were only about $80 and they make the engine noise just disappear. as a bonus they have a removable cord, so if you get a Beats controltalk cable you can use them with your phone to make calls too.

As current solar roofing and cladding materials evolve into something more affordable, every building will be able to generate most of its own power. The current expensive and inconvenient individual solar installations are just a necessary teething step along the way.

Considering that evolution favors the creature able to breed before it dies, the features that evolution is selecting for is having as many children as possible, being attractive (to attract more mates), and being promiscuous (to be willing to breed with more mates). I am not sure any of the things that we would hope

When I was in high school in the mid 60's the consensus in my class was that the world would probably end in nuclear winter within 20 years. It is hard to recall how very dire things look at different times of history. There are always reasons for hope and pessimism.

2 20mp sensors with 2 180° fisheye lenses would probably be substantially cheaper, and good enough for most people. This product is a high end very specialized device and I would be surprised if there are enough people who would drop $600 on something like this to make a profit. If the price were $199 it would be a

Google does a lot of wonderful things, but they are clueless about aesthetics, design and customer experience, which are Apple's uniquely strong suits. Oh, and nobody beats Apple in marketing.

I'm an avid reader (2-5 books/month), and after I got my Kindle 4 years ago I never bought a paper book again. The fact that ebooks take up no space, are available to buy anywhere and anytime, and the readers have features like search and the ability to play audiobooks make them far more attractive to me. The only

With solar panels getting so cheap, I wonder if it would not be better to buy a cheap solar panel setup. You can even get one from harbor freight for $200 that has a regulator and even some sockets for 12v bulbs. That way you get the power without having to pedal or needing to be there to generate power. You also get

only 9 years? In Miami they would not be started yet since they would still be getting the permits.

And it has evil eyes!

Hangouts getting 2 way voice calling is great, but it seems kind of flakey, sometimes ringing and sometimes not. Also the interface is bafflingly sparse.

I have to agree with this. We decided to have a humble but nice wedding (less than $1.5k) and then we spent the money we saved on our honeymoon: 3 weeks in Costa Rica, a vacation I still fondly think of often over a decade later.

Apple has a one year warranty on their cables. Take it to the store and have them swap it.

The official Amazon cables are far sturdier than the Apple ones.

I think the more reliable system depends on the failure mode. If one of the 5 engines on the saturn V stopped working, that would be a crash. If one of 30 N1 engines stopped working it would probably not be as bad since 1/30th of the thrust is not as critical as 1/5th. On the other hand if the control mechanisms were

He was worried about terrorists assassinating him? I think about 50% of the country would have cheered if he dropped dead.