
How many miles did you put on it? Also how do you get away with driving without a license plate? 

It seems like you could have the thrusters press the car downward as well as push forward, which would allow the tires to grip more strongly.

I use the Roku app on my phone. Not only is it more responsive, but being wifi I can control the TV without being in front of it. Also when doing a search in netflix or prime I can just speak instead of using that maddening onscreen crossword puzzle.

Burnham is a horrendous leader and an incredibly selfish person. Either of those would be disqualifying, but she has ample quantities of both.”

For me it comes down to casualties. If Trump dies, his fans will take CV19 seriously and this will save thousands. If he lives and pretends it was no big deal, as he certainly would, then thousands will die.

While the OLPC was itself not a huge success, it did spawn netbooks and in a way chromebooks, but the true spiritual descendant is the smartphone with its sensors and usability anywhere. There are plenty of smartphones for $50 and even less with even more capabilities than the OLPC.

Wow, these are really pathetic! They look like something some second graders would make after a afternoon video editing workshop. I’m not even sure these are considered fair use, considering the alteration is just sticking bobbleheads on people.

I couldn’t disagree more. the prize would have validated her to her critics and would have made her voice even louder which would have helped this global problem. Instead they gave it to someone who has made some good progress on a local problem (although his human rights record is not great) and acted like that is a

In the future none of your friends and family will care about you enough to watch the event that you spent the last 5 years preparing for. It is a sad sad world.

If you ignore all the studies financed by the meat, dairy and egg industries the results are pretty clear: Eating foods containing cholesterol increases your risk of heart disease and artery blockage. Quit eating that stuff and your arteries start to unclog within a few weeks and you lose weight too. 

Who could have predicted that the one person skilled in stealth and trained since childhood as an assassin would be the one to sneak up and kill the bad guy? Who??? 

Given that the criminal justice system is biased against POC and while you are incarcerated you can’t vote, this translates into voter suppression of POC. I think our racist criminal justice system would be a more important issue to politicians if the victims of those policies could vote. No representation means no

I think there needs to be some limits in dealing with monopolies. Enterprises that directly affect over a billion people should not be for profit corporations, they should be utilities, and governed as such.

Considering the known (and unknown) health risks of prolonged Zero G exposure, she is a hero, sacrificing her life for our thirst for knowledge.

Let people have all the guns they want. Make the owning and making of ammunition a capital offense.

So anyone who has less privilege than you can tell you how to live?

People’s rights to demand alterations your behavior has to be limited to if it physically affects them, otherwise me saying that you going to christian church offends my satan worshipping would force you to stop.

The irony is that the kids they are trying to “protect” will download a VPN and be wanking again within an hour, and the clueless puritans (and folks that don’t pay attention to what their lawmakers are doing) will be blocked from seeing porn, unless they register for it.

Even better to just buy an iPad charger with 12 watts for 3 dollars less.

Even better to just buy an iPad charger with 12 watts for 3 dollars less.

One easy way to get rid of them is to make every call cost a dime.  An insignificant amount to a person, but for an outfit making millions of calls daily it would make it unprofitable.