
Not too many ultrabooks with i7 quad core processors at any price.

It is a perfect little server, with very low power consumption.

Multifuntion = Fun in many ways!

I think a high rez head mounted display makes a lot more sense at a tiny fraction of the cost. Mount a couple of ipod touches on the helmet for screens, and use the integrated accelerometers to change the view of the video streaming from your main computer that does all the processing.

And clearly all conflicts are exactly the same, so it must be the drones that made the difference, right? I can't even imagine what it must be like to live in your simplified version of reality. It must be very reassuring and fun.

Zip ties and a regular cargo rack would be my choice.

By then we will have Petabyte disks in our phones, and these disks will be just as useless as a 25GB disk is now for backing up my 3TB of hard drives now.

The wii was compelling because it introduced physicality to gaming, and it took years for the competitors to come up with responses to that. This on the other hand seems much less clear what it is about. It seems like Nintendo did not want to focus the console on a specific mode of interaction, so some games make use

I wonder what the cost of keeping somebody in jail overnight is? Certainly far more than a dollar.

So if you look at the alternative, which would have been to put a retina display on the mini, it would have been a far more expensive display that needs a larger (more expensive) battery, so it would have been heavier, and needed the same processor as the ipad3(or 4). The fact is that the technology is not there yet

Maybe I am an outlier of the giz readership, but the number of bottles that I have drunk under $10 outnumbers the ones I have had over $10 by over 50:1. Therefore, even though I love wine, this article was a total waste of electrons.

I suppose you could forward the email to yourself and not include the attachment.

Do you really think that Jobs did not have the product lineup not planned out at least a year in advance? Also, how long do you think it takes to roll out something like these new iPads? All of the products we are seeing now were planned long before Jobs' death, and we will probably start seeing Cook's influence on

and the cameras and weight and casing shape and the connector and the wifi speed and the back color and the bezel proportions and pixels/inch. But aside from that you are mostly right.

A small rubber band will attach your cord to an unmodified button, and have some stretch to it so it won't detach every time you turn your head.

With the new ipod touch starting at $300, there was no way the mini was going to be less.

If it is less than a year old or you got the applecare, you should take it in to have the drive fixed. It would be free.

Portability, cheaper, better size for kids, lighter weight for more comfort reading...

Teh problem is not the medium. If you receive your tweets or gchats or emails on your phone how is it any better? Get a google voice account and receive your texts on your computer and enjoy the cinematic glory.

Rather than "floating", I think the word that means being suspended by cables is "hanging". A boat floats, and a swing hangs.