
or you could just have a cable for your devices that can plug into a variety of power sources, and you could call this standard USB!

If they have a reasonable social media presence it indicates that they are living in the current century, unlike some who think we are still in a cold war with Russia.


I don't understand why designing dishes for drying while stacked is not the standard. Then you could just stack them on on your shelves (with appropriate drainage) as you wash them, and that would be far more compact than current dish drying/storing methods.

I imagine that the scientists that devote their careers to these studies might have also considered these quandaries, and found the answers to those questions. That is the way of science and scientists.

I think it is hard to imagine the amazingness of his playing today since so many musicians since have borrowed/been inspired by him, but he was truly a pioneer in the true sense of the word.

If it is really easy to setup as they claim, I can easily imagine 2 or 3 small companies sharing one of these. The question is how useful can it be as a general tool.

You might note that you get 16GB Fire vs 8GB Nexus for your $200, or GB32 vs 16 for your $250. Also if your WiFi is iffy, the Dual antennas on the Fire might be helpful.

The idea is good, but the solution is flawed. The food should get closer to eye level the older it gets to make you eat it before it goes bad. The stuff on the back bottom shelves is almost always either a science experiment gone bad or a bottle of port that someone gave you in the 90's.

You are incredibly naive if you believe that. In the 1970s the ratio of the wealth of the richest folks to the MEDIAN income (Today about $59k) folks was about 120:1, and today it is well over 300:1. When you are rich, you make your own luck for you and your buds by bribing politicians to create laws that let you

The AppleTV 3 is still waiting to be hacked, nearly a year later, in spite of a huge number of folks eager to install Plex on it.

The fact is that hundreds of people a day walk by the 3rd party earbuds in Apple Stores and buy the standard Apple earbuds to replace the ones that came with their phones or ipods. People actually like them believe it or not.

Why not just attach a iPod Touch or an unused smartphone to your headphones and you get local storage and you can also stream from other devices or spotify via WiFi? $200 gets some decent headphones and another $200 for the touch and you are set up with none of that crappy bluetooth compression hiss.

panorama also works on the 4s (and maybe the 4) and last gen ipod touches.

"In all reality, there's not much truly jaw-dropping innovation that can be done to any of these phones right now."

Yeah, they could just let their family starve, that is a valid choice.

It is like holding up an open paperback book to your head to answer the phone. Being over $80 does not help either.

needlessly elaborate. Just make the handlebar/seatpost unit pivot to the appropriate angle.

Seems like you could just use one of those reflective foam and mylar windshield covers which cost about $2.

Actually, on my device a lot of the ads are discounts on various products and local businesses. I have probably saved at least $50 on stuff purchased with the discount. Also there is a very easy hack to get rid of the ads if you hate them.