
Somebody should create a non profit organization that accepts donations for artists and distributes it to them, to cut out the middleman.

If it keeps the price around $275 for the entry level model, ipad2 guts are totally fine. With a much smaller battery and screen than the $399 ipad2 it seems possible.

This seems like a great idea for a tablet, since I tend to use that for serious reading.

Alcohol wipes work well.

I always do my searching for apps in google, and then click on the link to the itunes store. The other option is to use a dedicated app search app like Discovr

So you buy your new phone first and then you send in your old one. Problem solved, unless you are so close to the financial edge you can't front $200 for 2 weeks, in which case you have no business using an expensive iphone with the associated contracts.

Yeah, that is "zoom in" in adobe illustrator

Finally, something that moves the goofy bar so far over that the Segway looks super cool by comparison. How is this thing better than a scooter? Or than just removing the pedals off your bike?

A perfect example of more being less.

Because people will give up on getting out the last bit of PB of the jar and buy a new one sooner. If you really wanted to be efficient PB would come in a toothpaste type tube.

You are dreaming if you don't think this stuff goes on everywhere. I know several folks that used to work at BB and the stories they told were every bit as horrific as these.

Informative article. Now if somebody could explain the funky way that camera sensors are sized: 1/2.5" for example...

Either they will find a lake, or a ancient spaceship with shapeshifting aliens that will take over the crew of the base. Either way good luck!

What I would like to see is a service where you could set up a watch list of apps or categories and you would get notified whenever they go on sale. having a general list of apps on sale has too much noise to signal ratio.

When you can use that device to access a nearly infinite library, communicate across continents, create plans, and hone skills that can let you get work that pay more than $1 a month, it seems like a pretty great idea.

It seems like installing a gutter screen/grate would make the Looj redundant.

Considering the "defense" industry is making money as fast as the govt can print it, I think their ugly ass presentations are working just fine, thank you very much.

Very impressive, I could barely understand him myself.

I think the expression "kick in the head" is being misused. "Shot in the arm maybe..."

If that is the camera lens below the cockpit, you better hope you don't hit a rock during your landing.