
Still no iPad and Touch support?!

make a pair of high heels with integrated pumps that are powered by walking and it could be a winner.

Considering that humans are mostly bacteria (bacteria in the human body outnumber human cells by 10:1) I am very skeptical of this claim.

Add a tiny laser pointer inside there and some battle damage distressing I think you have a winner.

@reapur: I have gotten it to work, but not reliably. I use Miro and ezrss now for my RSS torrent feeds, and it works better, although not perfectly.

seeing as how the $99 Apple TV is a ios device, it seems like a better candidate for this than the $500 ipad.

Getting a real MiFi from verizon or virgin is a lot cheaper and you get UNLIMITED data for less than $45.

@Quantum: I think the difference is that hard drives are quite unpredictable as to their failure date, while solid state drives lifespans are are more easily predicted as their failures are caused by the limited number of writes possible.

You should have a picture of the unaltered imac for the young'uns who can't remember that far back.

That is pretty ugly.

6 inches long? I thought it was going to be 5 times that size!

I think skype's millions of users would say the future is here.

@A Flock of Smegal's: I use boost and it seems fine so far. Would not recommend Tmobile.

Virgin mobile mifi is only $40/mo for unlimited data pay as you go no plan needed.

@Nathan V: He said after reading the article on his LCD display...

It seems like half your problems are from running a beta OS and the others stem from being in China. Casting this as an iPad problem is just bad journalism.

@MrCheatachu: Why not combine coffee shops with the library and have the coffee profits support the library?

I use my library a lot (probably 5-15 books/mo), but I do my catalog browsing online from home, and place requests for the books I am interested in. The only time I actually go to the building is to drop off or pick up books. I would much rather have a book vending machine with a collection that is 3 times as large

Probably has a standby battery life of about a year.

I would like a ubuntu ui that looks like Mac OS system 6. Monochrome with patterns instead of color, I'll bet it would really fly.