
@kingcrim84: Actually I think it might be good for bands, because it helps narrow down exactly what the problems are, the same way I have become a better speller because of spell checkers.

The networks can't run the same episodes over and over to make more revenue from them while Hulu can run Arrested Development reruns until the end of time and continue making cash every view. I sure know which check I would want to receive.

With a CPU that is less powerful than the low end macbook, the Air is not really ideal for content creators, unless you are a writer. Somehow we seem to survive being surrounded by gas stoves and grills, and gasoline powered cars and natural gas powered powerplants and buses.

They should have used the wheels from this forklift: []

The just announced verizon mifi/ipad deal basically gives you the mifi box for free and the no contract data plan is actually cheaper than the ATT ipad data deal, especially when you use more than 2GB. Of course then you need to figure out what to do with that Ipad.

eek manhands!

I think the real issue is to for apple to get even more leverage come ATT contract negotiating time.

To complain about free advertising for a short that nobody would ever have heard of is just lame.

@popix: Sabertooth?

Apple did the same thing with the Newton, putting out an $800 clamshell device in 1997 that ran the Newton os but it had a keyboard and ran for 28 hours on a charge:

offensive, gross, and very obtuse.

Which password should I give them the regular one or the one that deletes all the incriminating files on my disk?

@Sadsaque: Thanks for reminding me!

Cool, I am guessing that it will take me about 5 minutes with some needlenose pliers and a paperclip to make one of these.

@bobkoure: It is even cheaper to save a bit of dough in your fridge and feed it a little flour and water every couple of days. Then you can use a blob of that instead of yeast to make your new dough.

@Thomas Capasso: If you are using the forward and back buttons for Firefox, can I suggest you try Fire Gestures? I have it set up so an up+left is back and up+right is forward and about 15 other common commands. Web browsing without Fire Gestures and Tree Style Tabs feels very awkward indeed.

@JimboLodisC: Depth perception has numerous cues besides focus, like parallax, prior knowledge of the size of objects, and lighting cues like shadows. I am pretty sure you would hardly notice the lack of focusing cues.

@Zanzan42: And when you lose 3 customers and 30% of your income you will see the wisdom of a broader user base.

@oopsmyeye: Wow, you sure managed to draw an impressive number of conclusions from nearly no information.