
It seems like a stupid idea, but after using it for a day I find I really like it even without the fancy key shortcuts.

@FriedPeeps: iLife does come free with your new Mac. You only have to pay for upgrades.

Tree style tabs rule.

Another big advantage is that there are far fewer moving parts so reliability should go up and costs should go down.

@Andy Little: Somehow rubbing the top of a bottle I am going to drink from on the bottom of my shoe is less appealing than you might think.

@Bobly: "Twist tops, they can start to hurt after you opened 20 in a night"

That seems like a great way to never be invited to that house again.

Or you could just pack a bike cover and a nice regular tent for less than 1/2 the price.

Any bottle with a mouth large enough to get your hand inside is easy to clean.


If the guy who made this was from Japan you know that champagne would be aimed at a girl in a bikini.

The hole looks too far forward to be a balanced hanging point.

Compare PZ Myers' resume and list of achievements with Kurzweil's and it is a little absurd that he is badmouthing him. Kurzweil may be totally off base, but his considerable contributions to science and technology are considerable and deserving of more respect.

"the city-commuter style which just makes them look foolish when riding."

Saving recently made the switch to cell from landline, I am appalled at the sound quality of the "modern cell phone". Even Skype sounds like CD quality by comparison.

@brendolonius: I tried to get my writer wife to switch to openoffice for writing manuscripts, but there were too many bugs in the formatting. She would get a document looking fine, then she would save it and when she reopened it the formatting was not as she had left it.

@Bradford Bugni: I would say that somebody that thinks the height of passion is a rape scene and who views the common man as someone to despise is not really somebody I want to take any social cues from.

Ayn Rand seems totally awesome until you grow out of a 15yr old mentality and realize that letting the rest of the world go to hell means you will live in a shithole.

or get a cookie sheet, cut the walls off one end, drill the holes and use a potholder to move it.