
check out [] for more designs. You can make one out of one of those folding reflective windshield shades in about 2 minutes, and you can use it as a shade again when you are done.

It seems to me that Wave is not a replacement for email or twitter or collaborative editors, it it essentially a hub to manage the multiplicity of information streams that people are having to cope with.

it looks unfinished compared to the excellent google reader version.

Now if someone can release a script or extension that makes it so my Mac stops having choppy youtube playback life would be complete.

is the pizza picture an oblique reference to cheese/heat/grilled cheese?

Most of this is right on except for the "deck of cards"/new interface idea.

The plane is fine, but the guy tossing it had too much elevator and no throwing technique.

Sourdough with mayo on the inside filled with jalapeno jack with butter on the outside

I'm going to try this using my mandolin slicer which has a set of blades for doing very narrow strips. It should be close to actual spaghetti size.

I never upgrade to the new version for at least 6 months after the release. By that time all the patches are out and the drivers are updated. Every time I have done otherwise I have been punished for it.

@Dr. Vrein: I did what you suggested in 2 minutes and it is working for me in the US!

If you are going to go to the trouble of hand stitching them, why not go to a fabric store and get $2 worth of pleather or heavy duty nylon and make something that won't fall apart when it gets wet. Or if you don't mind the dead animal thing cut up some old leather shoes or clothing for that aged look. Investing

Better to make long cork wedges to adjust the height so they always fit.

Running barefoot on the sand at the beach is the best for me. It is low impact and it scrubs the callouses down to the perfect thickness. If you run on the deep sand it also is a better workout because when you sink in a little it is like running uphill.

I have tried all kinds of settings and I still can't get my HD youTube uploads to look decent. Vimeo on the other hand is just easy.

@clevin: Add a bittorrent client on it and the ability to play all file types and I would buy it in a minute.

I have done that with a regular magnifying lens and the results are surprisingly good.

@mfusion: You can often find cheap cast iron pans at goodwill or thrift stores. Failing that, they have a pretty good selection at target.

@mfusion: You will destroy your Teflon nonstick pan if you heat it full blast on the stove for more than a a few minutes (unless there is something in the pan to absorb the heat). Teflon starts to disintegrate at very high heat and even releases some gasses that are toxic to birds.

@cha0tic: That is the standard arrangement for gas ovens.