If only it were. It’d look more polished.
If only it were. It’d look more polished.
I’m going to further assume that the visuals won’t look much better down the road, only because this “playing it safe” route has been Nintendo’s MO for quite some time now. Sadly, the final result probably won’t look much better than these early visuals. Plus, the Holiday 2015 expected date isn’t all that far away.
I don’t know how many cases I see or hear of women telling their men to hinder their gaming habit (or sports habit or anything else we can’t just enjoy for ourselves much anymore). Like, you knew that when you dated/married us, ladies! Haha! Girlfriends and wives just don’t understand.
That’s why I scoff at the general…
The last mayors to be criticizing other mayors should be the ineffective mayors from New Jersey. lol
lol Well, it’s just more interesting to see the close difference than to visualize it mentally. You can read in the papers that the Cavs narrowly won their last game against the Warriors by 2 points, or you can watch the replay on ESPN to relive the best moments leading up to that point.
Man, if that picture’s real, I bet Harden’s living up to his last name.
Oh, did Xenoblade Chronicles X not do well in Japan? Because Wii U sales are a joke, even in Japan?
That be the power of KeyShot, my friend. :)
The guy’s lucky to be alive! From pretty noble action, too. When it came down to it, someone was in trouble and he put helping them first, not even noticing his own need at first. If the attacker loser was willing to attack the woman openly, and he had no problem pulling it on Ander, the attacker might’ve been pulled…
We can have believable physics by now. It's just that most companies spend more time on graphical polish and not enough time on technical polish, rushing to get a product out the door.
To me, progress in game development will be once game developers embrace inner balance in development before the mere outwardly appeal…
"It also didn't help that what mecha action there was, was animated in CG, which in my opinion, hits the uncanny valley effect square on the head and really kills the immersion."
You hit that on the head, Toshi. CG just doesn't go too well with 2D animation. It stands out too much as unnatural to the context of the…
3D in anime just doesn't impress me, man. I'm not against using 3D at times, but half the reason I watch animation is for the impressiveness of the feat. Frame-by-frame, animated with high appeal.
Not to discount 3D animation as a form of animation, but in anime, where expression is half the appeal, 3D just makes for…
Sexy women in schoolgirl outfits. Exaggerated boobs physics. Yuri action. Crazy Japanese gaming antics.
Where can I pre-order? lol
Maybe. Maybe not. We've never had an affordable solution on the market, either, so we'll just have to see. In any case, I'm just wondering why nobody's invented Oculus Rift-powered movie theaters yet. Or better yet—massively-multiplayer local gaming theaters!
You should've just stopped at "Look at Marvel." Extending Star Wars will be terrible. Folks should just spare the Star Wars legacy further embarrassments. Disney did a great job with preserving Marvel, but if they milk it like they've milking Pixar, Star Wars most likely won't see as much excellent execution.
I do sorta find it glorious how the "master race" is always seems to beg for console games to come their way. I'm a PC gamer and console gamer (fuck it—I'm a gamer), but I love seeing the needless proud humbled just a little.
I never NOT play a game because it's "a little bit pixelated." Honestly, this is the most retarded reason for not playing a game. Sure, one might prefer the better visual quality, but sheesh, it shouldn't really be a deal-breaker. Not unless the game just looks like a totally horrible mess of indiscernible absolute…