
I certainly hope folks aren't asking for Bayonetta 2 on PC, because Nintendo paid to publish it exclusively for them, without them the game would've even exist, and whining for it on anything but Nintendo's platform the Wii U would be useless. Asking for a new Bayonetta game with Sega's publishing it (I think Sega


Not to mention that people are never keeping in mind that the way a console runs is quite differently than the way a PC runs. Consoles by their design used optimized parts which makes optimized usage of similar parts from PC, and they don't have a beefy OS and other irrelevant background processes to deal with. They

Read this carefully before you respond:

You won't find a single gaming PC built with the PS4's tech specs that runs as well as the PS4 does with those tech specs, all complete at just $400.

Just saying. Not trying to change your mind or anything. Just putting the fact out there that the PS4 isn't necessarily "subpar"

You won't find a PC built with the PS4's tech specs that runs as well as the PS4 does with those specs, all at just $400. Though, to be honest, I really don't understand what's with all the "jumping ships" among gamers—I personally just play on what has the games I want. All a matter of personal tastes, I suppose,

If you're looking for innovation, Sony's not one for that role. They're usually just the guys who take the current ideas and amp it up with more horsepower. You say they're just "playing it safe" but really, if you're not really an innovative company, it's best not to get too cute about things. Better safe than

Just telling me "technology is constantly evolving" isn't doing jack towards refuting my points. Don't just tell me I'm wrong—<i>show</i> me where exactly I'm supposedly wrong.

I think people are missing the big picture about the growing popularity of tablets and their growing sales over PCs. People keep on forgetting that:

1) No tablet has ever and will never match the value of a notebook computer. People are still buying computers, and will always buy computers.

2) We've come to a point in

Plus, like the writer states here, when I was growing up, The Today Show had more household personalities like (the sexy) Katie Couric, the lovable weatherman Al Roker, the memorable Bryant Gumbel. They were the only reason why the show felt good to have around as a kid, when it was on the TV while I got ready for

I think it has more to do with the fact that most people around my age (I'm 25) just don't watch these shows. I certainly don't. I would imagine that even though it now sits on top, Good Morning, America has also suffered a loss of viewers. I don't watch the show with my parents anymore (which was the only reason I

It would be Japanese...

He definitely made the shot in time. If you look at the last angle, a moment after he's already tossed the ball in the air, there's still time visibly counting down.

Wow, that was quite the rational answer. Good on you!

As nice as these look, I don't see much reason here to go out to buy a PS4 if you already own a PC and a PS3, esp. since PS4 is likely to be $600 at launch. Better draw distance and slightly better texture quality, but other than that, it's nothing much PS3 couldn't do.

Dude, you had to buy Metal Gear Rising to know that it was bad? lol Seriously, a good look at the demo could've told you that. It's so painfully bad and un-Metal Gear Solid-like from the rest of the franchise, I don't know where to begin. It'll forever be the one MGS game we best admit it happened and never

The dark greens, grayish blues and desaturated reds, you mean.

Yes, and the game development costs to UTILIZE those 8 gigs is enough to scare developers from using it any time soon. People keep forgetting that horsepower isn't the only thing we have to look at in "next-gen" gaming—costs for developing those games play a much bigger factor. In fact, quite a number of developers

As much as I like anime, those are some lame military pin-ups. Nothing like kawaii to be the face of your "tough" military. And it's not even sexy anime.

It's a very beautiful home, but to be honest, it doesn't seem like he got his money's worth. I mean, it seems kinda small for $16 million. I've seen bigger $5 million homes. Anyways, I don't think if even if I did have $16 million to spend, I'd spend it on a house. I'd rather buy a smaller house (or bigger) $5

Meh, I can live with it. I'd rather have baby blue than noxious radioactive green.