Yeah, it was pretty poorly worded and ambiguous as a headline.
Yeah, it was pretty poorly worded and ambiguous as a headline.
Funny enough, because I moved around so often growing up, particularly in New York state, I’m familiar with most of these stores you’ve mentioned. I can attest to what you’re saying, particularly for Hannaford’s and Price Choppers. I can also say that there’s no way that Sprouts is more popular here in Colorado than…
You’ve never heard of Piggly Wiggly? It goes way back. Even the historical comedy-drama movie Driving Miss Daisy referenced it. One of the oldest and most famous store chains in the Southern and Midwestern U.S.
So, he didn’t speak perfectly in trying to be delicate? Who does?
People are insane. Everything is wrong and offensive if it doesn’t concede to some of the most whiniest, most bipolared, childish cliques on social media, who don’t get their every demand.
It looks like an albino version of Perfect Cell.
To be fair, rats already own NYC. Look at how much they charge for apartments...
“In 20 or 30 years, fast food places won’t even offer beef. You’ll have to go somewhere more upscale for the real stuff.”
Draymond would’ve made a good Bad Boy of Detroit, truthfully. Esp., being from the area locally. He would’ve fit right in, style-wise. Plus, gave you quality defense.
Millennials are pathetic. Seriously.
And the award for the absolute most overused word of the decade is...
How fragile a society we’ve become if the answer to so many things that carry a public risk of displeasure is to “ban” it.
Beyoncé’s got many people to thank for her level of fan-inflated ego. Jezebel’s on that list.
If the word fits, it fits. “Obsequiousness” is the perfect word to describe “Queen Bey.”
Stand up and talk? They’re sitting courtside. There is no room to sit up and talk to someone across from you like that, without some leaning over.
Beyoncé always seems to me like she’s one of those people who get annoyed way too easily. Her ego, on top of things, doesn’t help.
Are you “style-shaming”?
a) Honestly, Trump deserves any implied assassination threats, seeing how he himself implies such against others.
This woman and her whole family have made a billion-dollar career out of publicly indulging in Mandingos, help selling black women’s fashion trends as white fashion novelty, being famous for being famous, and becoming a “voice” for a social issue that, until recently, wasn’t even close to being something you associate…
Glorified fanfiction? That’s exactly how I’ve described the recent Star Wars movies...