
Can we get a first dose for kids under 12?

Ruben Stoddard? Wow. Fingers crossed the Jessica Alba NDA has some wiggle room!

Are you a flight attendant? If so, I would like more stories of other people being fuckwits, please and thank you. 

The view that the Republican Party is the one for “small government” is one of the biggest hoaxes they’ve ever pulled off. The Republican Party is the one that wants the government to regulate healthcare decisions (not just abortion and contraception but also drug designations and keeping certain medicines illegal,

That last one is a source of pride for several reasons.

So the Elon Musk one is totally not mortifying, you are a hero for that one.

Same. TEN years working for big EU companies you’d think I’d get it right someday, but no, give me one glass of wine and, voila! Very awkward goodbyes, so, so awkward 

every time I try to do the European kiss greeting thing 

A+ cat photo!

As for supporting Trump, it’s more Trump hijacked the party,

Well, no. There are centrist Democrats. They vote in Democratic primaries to try to get more centrist Democrats nominated. Today continuing to register and vote Republican when the Republican Party is openly hostile to equal rights, to pro choice, to minorities, to gay marriage, to women, to our international allies,

Being a Republican is declaring membership in and allegiance to a political party. And the Republican Party has completely abandoned any pretense of being anything other than an apparatus dedicated to Trump. It didn’t even have a party platform this year. So I’m sorry it hurts, but this is no longer a question of

Aww; sweet baby kitten!

I would ask your student why is this person self-publishing on the web? If their words are so valuable, why aren’t major national and international press outlets, magazines, tv shows, youtubers, covering what they have to say? It is the internet equivalent of selling tshirts out of the back of one’s car. Further, does

She talked about how her husband had Covid, and her 92-year-old father, who she thought might not survive, and she laid it out: because Donald Trump did nothing, and his incompetence made it worse.

LOVE the Biltmore!

Awesome. Congratulations. I have family in that area and have always meant to go to the Biltmore but have yet to make it there.

Be prepared!  That kitty is gonna need a LOT of attention and interaction. 

Anyone with any kind of mood disorder or underlying mental health issue is potentially at risk for a psychotic episode from prednisone. (family member was completely off the drywall after the third dose) And this drug is 5x more powerful? Ho-ly!