
The worst part isn't that he's a conspiracy theorist, it's that he isn't. He's said, twice now, that he doesn't believe any of the shit he says. This should be the focus of the piece because this dickhead is essentially admitting that he's harassing the families of dead kids for ratings.

Putin cares about consolidating his power and crushing his political opponents. He wants to convince the Russian people that democracy doesn't work in other nations and that he's a strongman, but he has to (attempt) to project the image of a respected, normal world leader to the international community to avoid

Well it was "things that have never been said" not "things that are correct" so I think he/she nailed it.

Thank you! Communism was by no means their first choice, but when the US turns you down, what other world power are you going to turn to for help?

If you're the only person in the room who's not the product of rampant and unrestrained sister-fucking, you get to be the "policy wonk".

What does that have to do with anything I said?

You seem to be putting a lot of effort into defending someone you say you don't want to defend. But so long as you're letting women know it's not a crime for their co-worker to engage in non-consensual touching after climbing uninvited into their beds, I guess you're fighting the good fight.

There's no such thing as respectful objectification since it's inherantly dehumanising. It's just a quibble over terminology rather than disagreement with your point.

Agreed. Every single winner should do a Meryl Streep speech. His tiny Twitter fingers would be worn down to bloody nubs.

Trevor had a whole posse of arsehole demons who arrived with him. Remember the women who were doing rails of time?

Given the actors are like Spanish, American, British and New Zealander, that's even more ridiculous that they all sound the same. They're doing fake American accents for some reason.

I think the existence of fragile structures like satellite dishes after 2000 years was the most annoying thing for me. I saw that documentary The World Without Us and they concluded that every single trace of human existence (with the exception of the pyramids maybe) would be gone in under 1000 years. It's such a dumb

It deserved the C and that has nothing to do with the attractiveness of the actors or the genre. There's plenty of fantasy type shows full of attractive people getting kudos. The issue was it wants to have the gravitas of GoT but it's targeted at a teen audience with all the juvenile tropes that go along with YA crap.

I wonder the same thing about the first Wheel of Time books. People keep telling me the series is amazing but I barely made it through the first two and they were some low-rent Tolkien knock-offs.

The druid guy is a Maori.

Every second line is ripped off another movie. When the camera goes extreme close up on the druid who dramatically intones "It has begun" I laughed my ass off. I've never read the books and don't know anything about them, but this show is just…not great.

Which begs the question as to why there are any straight men around at all? Surely the call of the dong is too great for any mortal man to resist?

Are these people unaware of the existence of lesbians?

I'm a woman and if I have the option of having sex with a woman who's never been sexually intimate with anyone, ever or a lesbian who's been banging other ladies for 20 years, you better believe that that "arbitrary" label is going to play a part in my decision about who to sleep with.

I stopped watching about 3 eps ago and I feel like the storyline has not progressed at all. Like, none of this was new information to me.