
Costco and Best Buy in Atlanta pulled them. Costco manager said "We don't want to sell an inferior product" — I told him the upper management were idiots.

Thank you, Mr. Attorney. And you're totally wrong.

Today, starting at 5pm, let's all Tweet crap about this bar and flood the airwaves. If tweets are going to get the same protection of free speech, we better start defending them.

Absolutely! I was wondering what the author of this post was thinking as he's likely drank pints himself over the years. This is standard practice for most metro cities I believe. I think he's just trying to stir things up with a troll article.

It's information overload, Brandon... plain and simple. Looking at those screenshots, FB has basically turned itself into an early-90s webpage with too much information being displayed.

It's the only way to get them up to takeoff speed for the short distance of the carrier deck.

I can already predict the response:

Also Dear over angered commenter blowing a single link out of proportion,

I think you're talking about quantum entanglement and the fact that a change in one particular produces an instant change in the partner particle instantaneously. This isn't time travel, but it does prove that "something" is happening faster than where a photon could possibly do the job.

It costs me $25 a year for membership but I easily save triple or quadruple that each year by using the card. You get the biggest savings from the monthly coupons that add 15% to the already 10% for the card... then an added 10% for most new releases. Yes, I can order cheaper from Amazon (if I order 2 or more books

I get monthly coupons from B&N in the mail and use them always. When I go in the B&N store, the staff recognize me and say hello. They always open extra registers when the line is 4 or more deep. My B&N never smells like a locker room or a diaper genie or both. I get 10% minimum on every book purchase, sometimes 30%

I can't wait to read your multi-million dollar fiction series. Oh, wait... based on your comment above, I'm not holding my breath for award winning prose.

Seriously! And then this same artist who paid $1000 for a week on the island will go and charge $1200 to $2000 per small crappy painting and then bitch because no one buys their stuff. They're called "starving artists" for a reason.

It was probably something like "Has Engadget posted this yet? No??? Post that BABY!!"

Awesome. Thanks!

Details please? Thanks.

Awesome response, ggore. Some idiot guy walked up to me at the coffee shop a few weeks ago while I was using my iPad and held up his Nook - "I can read my books outside." I'm in Atlanta and it's averaging 95+ degrees F every day - I held up my iPad and showed him the Sword and Sworcery game I was playing - "I can

Yes, 6 months and the interface and look still sucks... still lags... and my visits here have gone from many daily ones to a few weekly ones.

Gasp! Gizmodo using misleading headlines? NO!!!!!

I wouldn't mind making one of these for my son - maybe a 25x25. Anyone have any ideas on whether it would have special power requirements? It's basically an LED in a switch, right? I'm guessing a good switch will even have a resistor built in... maybe not.