
Yep... someone up high is not going to be waking up in the next few days. "Appears to have been a heart attack." "But he's only 16!" "Heart attacks can strike at any age... I'm sorry for your loss."

It's Hate America Decade - same schmuck bad-mouthing decisions from World War II probably watches American movies, wears American clothes, reads American books (if he reads), visits American websites, listens to American music, and wishes he lived in America, #$@$ Yeah!

Giz readers just keep on getting classier by the minute.

It would be great if the Internet community could find this person and ramp this up a bit by making her the poster-child of anti-texting. Movie posters, bumper stickers and more. She sounds like someone who needs a bit more embarassment than this PSA is providing.

I really wish they'd pass a similar law in the USA - not to ban mentioning Twitter or FB in a news story but to ban the relentless "Like Us on Facebook and you'll be registered for a drawing to win an iPad" - here in Atlanta, 11 Alive News seems more interested of late in their Facebook and Twitter promotions than

Did you mean to say "even WITH sales tax, Amazon..." will be cheaper than Walmart?

I need more sources - this smells like a hoax, but there is some potential for truth given the location.

Awful article - when did a gazillion begin to equal three million? Who knew using "treasure trove" would be annoying in both the original article and this one?

Hi, Pot... I'm Kettle.

Giz dishonest? No! No! Say it isn't so!

"A 3-Year Old Boy Armed With a Blowtorch Burnt Down His Neighborhood" versus "Police said the boy burned a porch swing, a broom, a sliding door, a deck and a knob on a septic tank and singed an igniter on a gas grill."

It's not the "atrocious treatment" that makes me sick... it's the non-atrocious treatment that forces a Muslim woman to walk 10 feet behind her man, cover her face and/or body, cow-tow to her husband's every whim, agree publicly with her husband even when she thinks his opinions are idiotic, and much much more. Yay,

Not sure whether the graph is accurate or not, but I can tell you that my visits to Gizmodo have dropped from numerous times per day to maybe 4 or 5 times per week. Partly the redesign but mostly just the lack of professionalism when it comes to their headlines (often exaggerated or downright misleading). Giz, we

I hope she gets every million her lawyer can squeeze out of Mickey-Dees! (Hate that name, btw.)

I don't think it was something I could back up with iTunes and I don't have any 3rd party iPad backup utility. But the WIRED files are stored/embedded with the actual app, so when you delete the app, there's no way to read the magazine. Unfortunately, when I reinstalled it, the purchase was gone. I'm sure I could

I can't verify this as 100% but I bought the first issue of WIRED for my iPad... a few months later when I uninstalled the WIRED app (loader) and the reinstalled it, my purchased issue was gone and I could find no way to get it back. This may be across the board and not just for Kindle.

You get the star because you were FIRST! I mean... you're FIRST... no, I mean your FIRST! Get it?

He he he... didn't take long for commenters to catch my error... it WAS intentional. Your all idiots. (See.. did it again.)

First off, Mr. Congressman... it's "I bought an iPad" not "I bought a iPad" - get it right before considering a job in public speaking/service.

Hell, don't wear those in Underground Atlanta. You'll have a seizure from all the feedback.