
Important Gambling Tip: Keep your cards face down on the table or close to your chest to keep other players from getting a peek.

Easy? Eight bullet items to download and configure? Nooooope!

But if your hand slips, it'll pull AWAY from the handle, not towards the blade.

But then he said "This shit is crazy fast" ???

Love the advertisement for the FBI that immediately follows the post! HY-LARIOUS!

Laugh all you want, but mowing the lawn in Atlanta in the summer would be awesome with one of these on. Seriously considering buying one.

Sugru will do the job! It'll bond metal to plastic easy.

Just be glad this isn't a JD post or you'd have been banned the moment you clicked the Submit button.

And Microsoft knows that people, like lemmings, will wait for weeks or months to purchase something non-Apple just so they can say "I don't like Apple."

If I were Google, I'd tell Japan to suck it, get it's own quality search engine, and then disable all .jp searches for 30 days.

Yes, good authors can now bypass their publishers. But so can crap-writers, and they outnumber the good ones by about 1000 to 1. I like the idea of self-publishing, but I also like knowing that publishers have done a bit of filtering for me and skipped on the horrible writing and bad plotting for me.

Probably not going to happen, but here's a scenario that might scare you — if publishers continue to have their profits squashed and their pricing controls taken away, they may choose to produce fewer books. This means readers will be forced to start reading self-published drivel, and we all know that finding a needle

Facebook's only revenue streams are advertisements and %'s from games, if I understand it correctly. These are not sustainable sources of income, IMO. I asked myself "How many times have I clicked on a FB ad?" The answer was zero. Then I asked "Of the 900 million users, how many have clicked on a FB ad?" My guess is

... cited as space for "experiments"

NICE! Thanks for sharing this, Andrea... I use Calendar extensively and have a couple of these variations implemented but not all. I love this!

Okay... just look for the 4-sided closet then. Jeez.

That's nice. His 4-sided closet near the bottom of the webpage is well done. Would love to have the plans for both. Anyone have the skill to reverse-engineer it and make a Sketch-Up diagram available?

Do you grow your own food? Do you make your own shoes? Do you generate your own electricity? Do you drive a car? Do you own a bike? Did you make it? Do you use toothpaste? Do you use soap? Do you own a phone? Do you own a computer? Answer yes to any one of those, and then SHUT UP because you're a hypocrite.

Probably was cut on a CNC but you could do that with a router table... just might take a bit longer.