
Is the Gizmodo ban still on? Is it a lifetime ban? Never heard the nitty-gritty details other than "ban."

Nope! Just giving them more of my money because I love my MacBook Air. It's a solid machine, and if they filed the patent, I'm all for enforcing it. Don't buy one — Apple doesn't care. They'll sell yours to someone else.

Or... the Chinese just paid someone $10,000,000 (or whatever the going rate is for design plans) and got the full schematics maybe 5 or 10 years ago when this thing was still on the drawing board. Quality aside, I'm betting there is definitely someone sipping boat drinks on a beach somewhere reminiscing about his/her

Not everyone. But you certainly added yourself to the list, troll.

I'm all for hobbies, rifter! I'm just saying with 3 kids in tow at a crowded zoo, maybe taking your $2000 camera isn't the smartest choice. Yes, accidents happen. And those of us with young kids know that Murphy's Law is +15% for each kid you bring along somewhere. And carrying two cameras is the point — he should

Saw a guy at the zoo over Memorial Day with a camera that had to have cost a couple grand... telephoto lenses and all sorts of add-ons. Had three kids in tow. The zoo has a very specific circuit, so I kept seeing this guy at various points in the day. I was just waiting for it. It happened near the petting zoo when he

Thanks, Skype! Thanks, Foursquare! Thanks, Verizon! Thanks, MySpace!

I'd pay a good amount for a complete version for the iPad, PDF or ePub.

What are the grounds for suing? What is Dish doing wrong? Is it that they have contracts with the networks that say they can't do something like this? Can't imagine Dish would do it if the contracts specified no commercial hopping, so there must be some other reason.

Too many *sensitive* types here — it's the June issue. You know... Father's Day? Ever heard of it? So WIRED chooses to dedicate an entire issue to males with children and Jezebel decides to blow it out of proportion, of course.

What's so horrible about all this is that that by the time the stock goes live for us actual folks to purchase, the price will have already been jacked up by pre-sales and pre-orders. Most people will not be able to get the stock at the actual opening price. Prepare to be shocked.

Has the newspaper printed a correction or apology? I'd like to see that, personally... let's hound this newspaper until it admits what it did in its actual pages.

" look like a tool."

If Apple really does choose to do a TV, it will sell. Mainly because they'll likely have something up their sleeves that it ultra hush-hush, something we can't predict (that we need or exists), or something that breaks the status-quo of television usage. With 100 billion in cash assets, they may very well have

Go ahead and talk on your phone near me while on a plane. Don't be surprised when I start asking the person on the other end "Where are you from?" "Are you married to this idiot or do you just work for him?" "Are you his boss?" "Do you realize he's on an airplane being an ass-hat?" "Am I annoying you with all these

Expect a ban on these at cons... too big of a risk to others. But some a@@hat will bring one and an accidental blinding will occur, ensuring the company is sued, the con is sued, and Lucas is sued (just because the lawyers think they might actually get a settlement or just get lucky with a sympathetic jury).

What I want to now is who is responsible for the lowest quality cardboard boxes these days that cereals come in? You try and open the lid and the stupid thing tears. General Mills seems to have it for everything they sell, and so does Quaker Oats cereals. And if you do manage to open the top correctly, the front and

I would own her... every check she every received would be signed over to me. And I'd make sure both criminal and civil charges were filed.

Kind of nice to live in Georgia where the majority of the population is dumb as rocks and quite happy to stay that way — not enough tax revenue lost at, at least with book purchases. Does Amazon sell shotgun shells? What about gaudy tire rims?