He was a little shit 17 year old thug sure, but the guy’s really turned his life around. Real born-again-washed-clean-in-the-blood-of-the-lamb christian type. Check out his instagram, it’s crazy. We all deserve a second chance.
He was a little shit 17 year old thug sure, but the guy’s really turned his life around. Real born-again-washed-clean-in-the-blood-of-the-lamb christian type. Check out his instagram, it’s crazy. We all deserve a second chance.
Right? Whether this is good or bad, calling one thing another, because it sounds less bothersome is no way to be.
I’m not convinced by your logic. Self-censorship is a thing. Artists do it because they’re worried about how the art will be perceived.
So pull a call of duty and just leave a big ol’ “skip sensitive scene” warning?
Yeah, it was love interests.