I'm humbled by and in awe of the Jezzies who came to my defense here. Love you all.
I'm humbled by and in awe of the Jezzies who came to my defense here. Love you all.
Couldn't they at least get her a better boob job than that? Those are horrible.
@HelloTitty: Maher's a misanthrope. He hates everyone.
@DinaRonson is now orderly, and restrained.: You mean when he set it on fire to get at his baby mama who was trying to get more child support out of him?
"I'll take 'Things Vivica Fox Likes' for $300, Alex.
"Look! I'm a cool white guy because I'm with a scary rapper dude! Look!"
But what's this got to do with my penis?
@Quake 'n' Shake: Far be it for me to argue that, but if your goal is to avoid violence for your son, this is not the path to take as he unfortunately found out. You know it's bad when you can actually learn something from Furious in Boyz N The Hood.
I hope they find his son's killers and punish them accordingly, but a word to the wise: punching out teenagers in front of their homes isn't the mark of a responsible parent either. If he truly wanted to save his son from violence he might have tried avoiding it himself. But it only escalated and will probably…
Why are you claiming that's England when the sun is clearly out?
Didn't show years ago that playing classical music accomplished the same thing? Or does a generation raised on "Baby Mozart" have a natural immunity to that?
"Jean Claude Van Damme? My father!?! What!?!"
There's a zen parable about a master and his student where the master draws a line in the sand and asks the student how he would make the line shorter. The student then draws lines across the line making into three smaller lines. The master tells him, "Yes, that's one way, but how about this," and proceeds do draw an…
He's a douche, no doubt, but as Rainbow Brite noted, they signed up for this. She made a choice to sacrifice all dignity just to find a dude. I can't feel much pity for them even though what quite a few of them really need is a good therapist and not becoming a cookie-cutter package for some dude. Whatever issues…
Yes, there's there's some thinly-veiled bodysnarking going on here, but you have to admit it's shocking to see that when you remember this:
Sorry, but I sure as shit wouldn't work out if I could look decent without it.
DO IT! DO IT! DO IT! Just so I can watch people freak as if someone was stealing their child. And I personally never accepted that Loretta Swit didn't continue the role she originated in the first TV movie.
I get the feeling that Vivica took on The Cougar mainly to either audition the contestants or snap up the cast-offs.
@greengrey: @rocknrollunicorn: What really makes it funny to me is that I imagine Mr. Spock explaining the pure logic of it all.