
@Logan5: You could go to a monastery in Tibet and show them a Superman "S" and they'd know what it meant. That's why Smallville is still on the air.

@Defendant: If he's 18 in Season 4 then five years later for Season 9 which just ended, he's 23, not 25 and post-crisis Superman wandered the earth for years after college, so he wouldn't have been Superman at 23. So this is not a strange liberty.

@astrogea: Well, if you, like the poster, actually knew anything about the comics you'd know that it was a regular occurrence for them to write stories where everyone had met at one time or another when they were kids. In Adventure Comics #120 from 1947 a young Clark Kent meets cub reporter Perry White and in #128

@astrogea: Just because it's bad (and it is) doesn't mean not having him fly or in tights isn't accurate. It actually is. What he did was not even try to find or use legit examples of Smallville going off the rails.

@Cyriaque Lamar: If you knew anything about the comics you'd know the examples you cite are actually being deadly loyal to comics, both the Original Golden Age Superman and the 80's era reboot. They were not liberties, hence citing their use being nothing but smugness.

@Defendant: Because you say he should be Superman? The Original Golden Age Superman was a full grown man, not a kid before he put on tights. And the reboot Superman was shown to have roamed the Earth for years after college before becoming Superman, so no, him not yet being Superman is not a liberty being taken as

@Cyriaque Lamar: Then you should have chosen one of the legitimate issues and not things that were accurate representations from the comics like not being able to fly and no costume before adulthood.

@Defendant: 1) Ten years has not passed in the lives of the people on the show and 2) Both the original Golden Age Superman as well as the 80's Reboot Superman had no instance of Clark becoming Superman before adulthood, so him not being in costume at this stage of his life isn't a "liberty" at all. Even doing

Sorry, but a bad as Smallville has been (and it's been pretty bad) your critique smacks of uninformed geek smugness. Or did you not know that in the pre-Crisis comics Pa Kent helped Clark learn to fly by using balloons? Or that once upon a time Superman didn't fly, period? Because clearly you didn't understand the

@Captain_Midnight: It ends at "bankable" period. You can count the number of actresses guaranteed to make money on their fame alone on one hand and last I heard it was called "show business" not "show art."

@Scaramanga9: I'm well aware of everything that's wrong with Wrath of Khan from the plot holes to the bad science, but what it got right was actual character instead of catchphrases, which is all this Star Trek was. It actually had a subtext which was Kirk dealing with growing older, having to confront his past both

@xdeathknightx: Yeah, that $214M worldwide gross for Salt after the success of Wanted (where she was even thinner because her mother had just died) is the sound of someone's career slowing down. Even The Changeling did okay and in all her movies she's the biggest star, the only face on the poster. She's the go-to

@CoffinDodger (If the typos crap. Blame my keyboard): That Mirror Universe analogy makes zero sense because as he so cleverly points out, character was shortcutted through catchphrases and everything made EXTREME! Star Trek always had something more than just bells and whistles. This movie did not and that you don't

@afrocoolbeans: Well, when you actually see it give us a call.

I'm giggling my ass off at this. When I get fired you and this dude are to blame, IO9.

@ImNotAllHere: And my first demand will them changing that stupid name.

Man, Ricard Gere is aging badly. Or is that David Duchovny?

"...the warmth, the mentor and sort of moral compass that Jonathan always was in Clark's life – and that Clark has kind of been missing. He brings that aspect of Smallville back."