@gangey: @ragincajun67: 9 and 10!
@hortense: The same argument against Gwyneth in her films can be made against Winona's days as Tim Burton's crush. They really weren't her films as much as they were someone else's (Michael Keaton, Johnny Depp).
@Princess Leela: Well, the rumor for years has been that Gwyneth saw the script in Winona's place when Winona was the bigger star and they were bestest buds dating Ben Affleck and Matt Damon and she stole it and rode it to Oscar glory. But the post Gwyneth made yesterday pretty much says that it was the other way…
@hortense: I don't like Gwynie as a person, but as a movie fan I only own Heathers while the rest is kinda forgettable with the exception of shining turn in The Crucible. While Gwynie's got the advantage of actually working steady for the last ten years in films like Sliding Doors, Possession, The Talented Mr.…
I love her. Heathers is still strong with me. That may have given her a lifetime pass. And what she did was wrong, as someone who is unabashed in his love for Shakespeare In Love I can understand why she did it. And let's face it, love for her can still be seen in the careers of Natalie Portman and Keira Knightley…
How to rock jeans:
@Cimorene: Well, for one you don't wake up at 13 with a burning desire to take a walk in the forest or take a nap on the beach. Also, the number of cooking shows and existence of a network devoted to it lets you know how many people like to look at food. We even call it "food porn."
This asshole still defends Michael Jackson. That's all you need to know.
@baraqiel: No, you're not because it is. And it's a bit of poetic justice. The very thing you're trying to dominate thoughtlessly breaks you like a twig. And doesn't natural selection pretty much take care of this? No one who breaks his dick is going to be doing it again, much less bragging about it to others, so it…
@eff it...let's get a taco.: No, she was pretty openly with the Terminatrix while they were making Bloodrayne. Me smells the work of a publicist. "I don't care what Lindsay Lohan is doing! Don't you mention it!"
@Miss. Money-Sterling: I too have loved her since Girlfight, which I guess is why I like her less glamorized. The cover leaves me cold, but I love, love, love this:
@Everything MidnightBikeRide does is a balloon.: Well, if you read his entire piece what he's also taking exception to is that there's no artifice present. There is. There's lighting, as other posters have mentioned, which can never be underestimated. There's also wardrobe and selecting one perfect photo out of…
Sunday sucks for a beauty pageant. A friend and I used to order chinese food, get drunk and watch them. It annoyed her I could always pick the winner.
Jut to play devil's advocate, but no one really looked like a George Hurrell photo either:
You body looks different under different lights...as my parent's bathroom lights so cruelly remind me whenever I visit.
@Calraigh: Yeah, it kinda fails. How difficult is it to remember this bit? And it's not like she had another job to rush off too. Just call Tina Fey and beg her for a job on 30 Rock.
I'm sorry, but we're just feeding the beast here to prying into her personal life like this. She's not a red carpet opening. She's just trying to do her normal shit like a normal person and not forcing an assistant to buy her douche. I love her for that. But I loved her crazy ass anyway.
Suddenly Dumbo's lovely long lashes make perfect sense.
We were watching this over cigars and scotch at Patriarchy HQ and find it to be television viewing at its best.