@NefariousNewt: Does anyone remember he's with Patti because he was cheating on his first wife with her? So, her rights to be outraged are very limited if this is true. I wonder if it's yet another redhead.
@NefariousNewt: Does anyone remember he's with Patti because he was cheating on his first wife with her? So, her rights to be outraged are very limited if this is true. I wonder if it's yet another redhead.
You in the moonlight
...holding her shirt down 'cause SHE'S NOT WEARING ANY PANTS.
@Mrs. Stephen Fry: Well, given that she's made up of leftover Helen Hunt DNA it makes perfect sense. The crew on Mad About You hated her.
I wonder if the Robin Givens-esque black girl will make it, given she wanted to be a madam, was probably a hooker and is now proving she's not man by doing hard core porn. Um, or so a friend tells me.
...and thanks for putting that Squeeze song in my head. I love Squeeze.
@JanicefromSA: Whiskey and popcorn: Isn't it? Wasn't it Jefferson who said that wise men fear voting and democracy because of the burden it entails?
@vanka-vstanka: Five feet of heavy metal darkness, ladies. Step right up.
Can I stand smiling in the middle of a feminazi-boner-killer chant?
But...but...Hathaway actually eats food. Whereas Posh seems to derive sustenance soley from the smells of designers fabrics.
Given it's the Country Music Awards I consider it a minor miracle they're not all dressed like Ellie Mae Clampett and Daisy Duke.
Okay, is it just the way that clip is formatted or were her heels really that friggin' high?
@megnificent: If you did, you were awesome, because she's awesome here. I love it. She's expressing herself and not giving into looking like some "tramp in training." There's a special place in my heart for girls who choose combat boots.
We so crazy!
...I know I'm smoking hot and you do to!
She has always has the most amazing natural breasts. I'm sorry, what were we talking about again?
@Eeva: It's from GQ: [men.style.com]
@jgh: Because when they defend her against people who accuse her (rightly) of it, they wind up looking like fools or liars themselves.
If it makes anyone feel any better the only way the ribcage would stick out like that on either girl is if they were sucking their stomachs in, so know even they feel self-conscious about what they're doing.
I just have an intense dislike of this whole "record the proposal" idea. What if the person says "no"?