
@Triphena: Schadenfreude, maybe? We like seeing the young, pretty, more glamorous and probably wealthier suffer.

@restless: ...and that's exactly what the general consensus was at the end of the night. She was too young to be there and she remarked, "The next guy I date? Well, he probably won't be 44..."

No mention of NYU?

Um, there's no "film noir" period, which is where these characters existed. Both they and their morally conflicted male counterparts who were tempted by them are gone.

But what's worse is how they narrow his waist and increase his bust.

Geek trivia: Secondhand Lions was written and directed by the man who accidentally created Smallville. I say "accidentally" because he actually created an show called "Gotham" about a young Bruce Wayne and one of the episodes was called "Smallville" where Bruce Wayne gets saddled with a 16-year-old kid he strangely

@NefariousNewt: You're Sonny Corleone and every woman is your sister...

Like I said before, sadly, the only thing stopping some men in regards to the way they treat women is the wrath of another man.

"Hugh Jackman is actually straight!?!

@Tracie: Well, I guess anyone male or female who ever got off from being stimulated from a non-genital area is just a freak of nature.

Yeah, this absolute about "can" and "can't" cause an orgasm remains. We. Are. All. Different.

Warren Beatty wants to still "matter" in Hollywood. Have we all forgotten how he was wrapped up in Halle Berry's business for awhile?

@HarpMadness: Because she liked to think she was an "intellectual rock star" when she's neither intellectual nor a rock star.

Wow. That hairline went quickly didn't. Was Mother Nature aiming at Jude Law and missed the first time? Of course the racist douche keeps all his...

That piece of crap he got Padme.

@Penny Plastic: I would actually put the first step as "Why are you asking me, fool!?! Ask the naked woman with you!" I knew a girl who needed her neck bitten. Another who could be triggered by nipples. People are different and I thank these women for being so vocal with me.