
It makes sense he'd get to be Treasury Secretary and not a woman because "...after man has made everything he can/you that man makes money to buy from other men/this is a man's, man's man's world..."

@RedVelvetCake: "Wait. You're 40 and your coochie is broken? Sorry, babe, your tour ends here at county general.

@LaComtesse: No, but no one deserved to be lied to and betrayed by someone they "loved to death and treated like a queen." And the sex was good. I'm pretty sure if some dude wrote about being loved by his wife of 30 years and even though the sex was good he cheated and eventually left, nuts would be roasted here.

Okay, granted her marriage was bad, but I think after 29 years he warranted a little honesty from her, not the usual, "I-won't-let-go-of-one-branch-until-I-have-another-firmly-in-my-grasp" routine. If this were a dude talking about doing the exact same thing to his wife of three decades for his high school love,

I love that he forgot he was the voice of Tony Stark's computer in Iron Man.

@Sev: Not too normal. She shook her ass at the strip club when he wanted them to go onstage and revealed a giant tattoo on her hip. I don't even know why the semi-normal girl who wouldn't do it is still here. I guess she feeds his musical ego because she actually likes his work.

This show is the most fun trainwreck in ages, so I have to fight my guilt that we're laughing at uneducated women most likely from working class households who's entirely lives have probably been about being the most attractive girl in school, but then high school ended and they found out they're not even the

Sorry, but this is such an invasion of privacy it's not even funny. This is stalker-vision. At least Paul "Pretty Boy" Walker was out at a public beach:

Funny, countries filled with hard drinkers think sex is better when boozing. Who's have thunk it? Next, a French survey will say cheese helps. The Swiss, chocolate...

@Your Screenplay Sucks: I'm pretty sure that gigolo thing is already in affect. Okay, so maybe she's not paying him, but you know she's always picking up the tab... such thing as the "greatest living actress."

Sigh. When will anyone point out that a "rape fantasy" is actually a "loss of control" fantasy? Also, there's some biological hardwiring which states that the male cheetah that fast enough to catch you is the best possible father for your offspring so the body should accept him when he does. It's very ugly

So basically my grandfather got prostate cancer because he was banging up a storm in his 20's? This is gonna be an awkward Christmas with my grandmother: "You killed granddaddy!"

@VaginaDrum: Don't be,considering 99% of all her fame is because of mommy, daddy and stepdaddy and not any actual work she's done.

"...all I'm saying is you're beautiful, you're famous, you went to can have any guy you want. So why do you date hideous freaks or douchebags?

"The Williams Sisters blamed their subsequent error on the blinding reflection of light off the man's incredibly pale penis. 'It was like a glow worm or something,' Serena remarked."