
Actually it means that good stuff will be cheap in about three weeks. 'Course that damn sugar content means it's gonna hurt the next day no matter what.

There once was lad from Brooklyn

@bellesouth: Really? 'Cause I'm feeling Laura Linney here. Basically, she looks like everyone but herself.

Randy: So it's Cindy's birthday and if you could just do this one little thing and sleep with her, I'll not only comp you at all my bars, but you'll get first crack at all the waitstaff.

Before I go off to cleanse my mind with Center Stage 2 let me just point out that it's not the result of porn movies that rape has been used as a tool of warfare in both Europe and Africa over the past 15 years. Sadly, they didn't need any help. The attitude needed was already there.

@Cimorene: It's Deep Throat you're talking about and it actually matters for your point because when it was the most successful porn film ever made and more mainstream in America in the 70's than people realize. How do I know? Because it's still mainstream I saw the documentary of it last year on HBO. Linda

@Cimorene: It's a bad example if that's the example you want to use. Sadly, I could give you many legit examples where even the illusion of a woman's suffering is used to sell porn and yes, I do believe the increasing extreme of porn (hairless genitals, physically demanding sex acts) are in fact a result of the

@Cimorene: "Linda Susan Boreman (Lovelace) came out and said that every time someone watched Debbie Does Dallas they were watching her get raped. And that's one of the highest grossing porn films of all times. Is this not an indication that porn as it stands now is a pretty fucked up medium?

Given what the initial post is about I'm surprised there hasn't been more discussion about the obligation (if any) of the women in positions of power to change things. As Pilgrim Soul said, what's the point if you're just going to make the same shit men do? Because it's not going anywhere any time soon.

@Cimorene: Um, Ron Jeremy disgusts me and having read Jenna Jameson's autobiography she continues to have my sympathy and I hope somewhere along the way she gets the therapy she so desperately needs.

@PilgrimSoul: Porn is like food or clothing; if you want to enjoy it, don't ask how it's made. I enjoy it, but if you were to burn it all down today and start from scratch, I would not object because there's a lot fucking wrong with most erotic entertainment. And the first thing you'd do is increase the age limit.

@hortense: At least now you know it's not Justin Timberlake causing it.

Why would Jezebel even post a picture of this scumbag?

Polanski should get extra time for the shit he manages to consistently stir up amongst us by just existing.

@BeckySharper: You forgot to add "...before you wreck yourself."

@SinisterRouge: I love Rachel too, but please tell me she's emaciated like that for a role, because she has never been anything but beautifully curvy! And Evan Rachel Wood looks 40. I thought it was the redhead from Desperate Housewives.

@Porcelina: We all think we're capable when we're young. That doesn't make it so, which is what mom and dad and various laws are for, to protect us from others and ourselves. I'm glad you came through all right, but any man who knew you were underage and touched you anyway needs to have his ass in jail.

@hollygirl: Well, it's not her fault she pointed out judicial abuse. That's the judge's fault for doing it. But again, the DA in LA needs a victory concerning celebs badly, so I'm hoping they won't deal on this one because Michael Jackson keeps slipping through their fingers.