
@BeckySharper: That'll help you take care of all the drunks around you.

@hildegaard: Don't. Just enjoy it. It was very funny and I give him credit for going along with the Sarah Palin 2012 joke.

Just gonna toot my own horn here and say that "B" is director Chuck Stone, who directed the original short as well as the Bud Commericals based on it and Drumline. He also directed a Rock The Vote Commercial that I wrote back in the 90's with Chuck D of Public Enemy.

Sorry, but a movie about a woman who refuses to marry because she's more interested in who she is a person rather than "wife" or "daughter" seems like the kind of movie that should have total Jezebel support.

@citrus_buddha: They did change it, but not as much as they thought they could and the reality of that has affected them. Also, it's not like the next generations showed the same desire. I am a firm believer in the 50% of anything they say about the "glory" of the 60's as being bullshit but there were dreamers then

Speaking of Seinfeld, when the original Becky came back, there was a story about her being dissatisfied with life with Mark when he was doing all he could to make her happy. When Becky complained about getting "too old" to do things with her life, Roseanne repsonded, "Too old for what? To date Jerry Seinfeld?" This

@TipsyRussell: "Dad takes it out on mom, mom takes it out Becky, Becky takes it out on me, I take it out on DJ and DJ takes it out on society."

I'll never get over longer hair makes him look like Steve Perry (yes, that it Randy Jackson from American Idol playing bass):

"Fan" is short for "fanatic." That is all.

@emsigh_the_third: But it is. You do realize Hillary inspires the same irrational hate in conservatives that Sarah Palin does in you and if right wingers posted how much they wanted her treated like shit on an SNL hosted by someone like Gary Sinese or Dennis Hopper there'd be nonstop condemnation here. But I look at

@Oface: I know! Isn't it great!?!

I'll keep saying it. She's out for herself now. This was about making her more appealing to a broader audience because I don't see any good it did for McCain. It's all about her future beyond the election, win or lose.

@lurkystars: This is on set. That's her TV daughter. Don't ask me how I know that. I said don't ask!

@PhDork: The Black Panthers were no different and neither were hippies living in communes.

@Miss. Money-Sterling: I was waiting for someone to point out Courtney was in the movie. She actually tried out for the Nancy role.

I'm always amused when the strongest countercultures still manage to carry along strains of the patriarchy with them. "We're so rebellious, we're so different...where's my dinner, bitch?"

@funnyface: I think she actually covets the attention power brings more than the power itself. Theoretically we could buy this woman off with her own talk show.