
"Heh. I love Big Titty Bitches. It's the best big titty magazine out there, bar none."

The fact that they're looking for "surfer dudes" shows how little they actually know about The Monkees or the source of their success.

I love when McCain makes the creepy claw hands. They hurt him more than he could ever realize.

Oh, shit. Roe v. Wade. It's real, now.

@tonightineed: It is desperate. Everyone knows this is his last shot. I hate to say it, but every time he acts like a dick, his supporters love it and he's been plenty dickish tonight.

@privityofestate: McCain is doing what he needs to do for his base and that's be more aggressive. He needs a knockout punch tonight to get back in the game which is why he keeps swinging so hard.

Well, Obama did go to a Donkey Show in Mexico while in college, but wisely has chosen to keep that under wraps.

Oh, no. He did not just use the kid with down's syndrome!

@BeckySharper: I'll be there for the election. I couldn't have made it anyway (not that I got an invite this time anyway).

The "I'm not President Bush" line made his debate coaches' dick hard. In other words, Obama's constant use of tying him to Bush was effective.

He's so got to stop fucking with the scientists. I mean, who didn't like going to the planetarium for a class field trip!?! He's pissing on the first time some of us got to second base!

I'm waiting for the moderator to suddenly lean across the desk and slap someone when he doesn't get the answer he likes.

@ShanaElmsford: It was a crap movie, but Angela disappointed the shit out of me with her response. I thought she had more class. Jesse, on the other, never ceases to surprise me with his continuing descent into obscurity.

@persepolis: After Halle Berry won the Oscar, Angela made some disparaging comments about the role, pointing out she was offered the role first but turned it down because she considered it beneath her.

Of course he's jealous! We went over this last time! He knows now that he blew his shot and now resents the hell out of the guy who's going to do it. Basically, he's Angela Bassett to Barack's Halle Berry (though obviously Angela's anger was a bit more justified, if not her disappointing public sour grapes).

Guess who's got to deal with 2:00 am phone calls about how she should leave her husband too and they can be single girls together?

@kansasgirl: I second that. And let me add, I was working in the school gym at the time. Had I known the dark days to come, there'd be so many unashamed nude pictures...

Let me know when it's "Love Your Body Down Day"

@FattyCatty: We've approached, "I'm not really gay, I'm just doing this for cash" broke. Sigh. It's like college all over again.

Um, where's the guide to boozing it up on a budget?