
Okay, Jezebel, this is on you. Any picture of Miley Cyrus would have done, so why use that one?

@braak: Thank you for giving me my first smile of the day.

Dating older is like going to Europe: hopefully you learn a little about wine, you learn a little about sex BUT THEN YOU GO HOME! It's not suppposed to be long term, much less permanent. Yes, there are old souls for whom it's actually better (I'm attending the wedding of one in fact), but for the most part someone

@hortense: I can't believe they're doing it again. Yes, they did shoot an US pilot that went nowhere, just like Football Wives.

Sorry, but doesn't a Little Black Dress have to be "little" to qualify? I don't think Coco would approve.

@WantToTouchtheWahine: I could have sworn I read somewhere she got her implants removed. Maybe she got 'em back when she had a kid. Nature can be kind that way.

To be fair her sister was much hotter and the dog was a Jack Russell terrier. I did what I had to do for both of us.

@JessicaLovejoy: Is voting for Kodos: Pointless!?! How dare you!?! My nipples are no pointless. When they get hard you know the room has gone from just "cold" to "absolutely fucking cold." But they're incredibly sensitive so no teeth, please.

@BabyJane: In my mind Charlton Heston is saying it.

@Elizabklyn: Whereas the other guy seems to be saying, "I'm like, oh my god! What's happened to Dallas? What's happened to my Tex? He was so hot back in the day, but now..."

"....this week on Middle Aged Gay Cop: punks get taught a lesson. Middle Aged Gay Cop style!"

Since I kinda of started this let me point out that I wasn't suggesting that they were asking for it, only that it's sadly not surprising that the guys behind it would act this way. But as we've seen in pretty much every sexual harassment lawsuit, it really doesn't matter what you're wearing, be it a business suit or

@Macloserboy: Playtex makes that much. Hawaiian Tropic only makes about $110M.

@Triphena: Ask for more, settle for less. Then again, can you put a price on having to work with the threat of being drugged and raped by your boss?

@63words: @Kayla: You'd think that the corporation which obviously went out of its way to get a celeb chef to be seen as a legit restaurant would have gone to the extra pains to make sure this kind of crap didn't occur.

@anibundel: A snap judgment from 30 seconds ago says otherwise.

I'm "shocked shocked" that a restaurant whose selling point was scantily clad women would turn out to be run by a bunch of scumbags. Go get that paper, ladies!

@LoveNoelG: I'm just going let my pig loose early today and say I find it hella sexy.