
@BeckySharper: But he punched me in my vadge! As a man, I just can't let it go!

I suppose if he knew I was straight, black male he wouldn't know what to do. My favorite was the commenter who said his post was "the punch to the vadge they desperately needed." I just got punched in the vadge? Oh, my "metaphorical" vadge.

@Inkymonkey: Thank you for bringing up Star Trek, which as far as I know, originated not just fan fiction, but erotic fan fiction and most importantly, homoerotic fan fiction. So once again the world at large is in debt to geeks like me.

@Anointynointy: Of course by "impressed" I meant "horribly disappointed" because that her headlights could pierce through damn near any bra+shirt combo she wore was always one of the things I liked about JA.

@HollingsworthDevereaux: I'm more impressed by the first time in 15 years she's found a bra that could control her nipples.

And I'll say it again since no one seems to have noticed: "You can never be too rich or too thin" was not a phrase coined by Hollywood. Why do we constantly ignore the class issue when it comes to weight and just blame show business?

@hortense: Still, with a cast of a half-dozen you'd think we'd get more than just her sex life and Meg Ryan complaining about her career. This is part of the gig, people! You push your movie no matter how much it sucks! Annette, Jada, Debra, get to work!

@hortense: She's pushing a crappy movies by herself, so can we cut her some slack? A crappy all-chick movie which has been oddly ignored by Jezebel.

@clevernamehere: Certain types of porn makes sense because certain types of porn nothing but a collection of scenes devoid of any sort of mitigating context.

@Calien: But they use film as an example of some sort of primer, when it's crap because no one ever watches a film that way, so if these 53 girls had sat all the way through the films with aggressive scenes chances are they wouldn't have been any more aggressive than the girls who sat though a film with non-aggressive

@braak: Oh, and here's study that says a baseball bat can be used as a weapon, but only if a baseball bat is all you're holding when attacked. If you're not holding a baseball bat, then probably not.

@clevernamehere: But those scenes were never meant to be seen on their own nor are they watched that way so what's the point? "Yeah, you'll become more aggressive when you watch a movie with aggression, but only if you watch those scenes devoid of others." How is that solid science?

@Calien: But no one just watches the "mean" parts of "Mean Girls" then goes into the world. They watch the whole film, so trying to cite a movie as an influence on behavior makes no sense as many other behaviors are also shown during the film's complete run, many of which may counteract the aggression shown. Simply

@coodlebump: Um, why is dressing like Cuddy a problem? I love watching Lisa Edelstein administrate in push up bras, tight skirts and fuck me pumps.

Ahem. Eh. I call bullshit on this. 53 whole people? Being shown things out of context? How about the test with people having seen the whole film!?!

@BeckySharper: And those are the people I feel sorry for, but there aren't going to be news cameras on them as they leave their jobs or sympathetic news reports on them as the express their fears about surviving. Nor are the various non-profits or arts groups that relied on corporate handouts from places like Lehman

@J.D.Regent: That's the thing. I know this is bad for everyone, but i-bankers have always been soulless douchebags in my mind and aside from the problems it's going to eventually cause us all, I could give a shit about them in their blue shirts and khaki pants.