
@Archetype: Exactly. If it were a normal person, it probably would have destroyed his life by now.

Didn't Jezebel post about some woman in England a year ago who was sex addict? And her husband stuck by her side? Anyone remember that? Or was it Gawker?

@Archetype: Neil Schon of Journey just revealed he stopped being an alcoholic about two years ago. Rick James and John Entwistle did coke until it killed them. People with serious addictions can function with them.

We discussed this when it was first announced. If he'd said he had a drug problem or an alcohol problem, there'd be sympathy and understanding. You say you have a sexual compulsion and people can't stop laughing at you.

@everfade: But don't touch VH1 Classic. 80 Hours of the 80's was like crack to me over the holiday weekend. I couldn't get enough of it.

@hortense: All the side stuff. Hell, I didn't even mind Katy Perry doing a cover of "Like A Virgin." Sure as hell better than her song....

"So, baby. Are you hot for me now?"

@That_little_attention_whore: No, I'm speaking of "hot" as that mysterious attraction we have to those not based on looks. Not the "hot" as in "hot movie" or "hot record" as a measure of popularity.

Wait, is this guy from that Macy's commercial who makes Martha Stewart and Mariah Carey melt?

@briardahl: Yes, it's just an illusion, but that's what separates fantasy from reality. A fantasy of being submissive is probably very different than actually being that type of person. I've read that the people who usually pay for that are people of responsibility during the day. The irony being, even in their

@That_little_attention_whore: I'm pretty sure winning more medals than anyone else ever is the reason he's getting all the attention. It's not like he won one or two.

You know what I'm going to say, right? These people are never the ones who make sex tapes!!!

@Calraigh: There's a difference between being "hot" and being "pretty." Phelps ain't pretty, but many obviously find him hot. I thought the Pussycat Dolls were going to jump him last night at the VMAs the way they looked at him.

"Ahhh. That's better. All that loot made my pocket too crowded. Now my hand can rest here easily."

@hortense: Noooo. Tina Fey has to come back the way John Goodman always came back to play whatshername and Dan Aykroyd always played Bob Dole.

@PilgrimSoul: It's not the "badness" per se, but the freedom, but to tell people that would take away half the fun. It's breaking society rules, to be the good girl/boy who is bad, to be the strong person who is submissive. Most of us do follow rules of behavior and we follow them all day every day. But for a few

@PilgrimSoul: It simple. It's hot because it's wrong. No need to call up Freud on his private number and ask.

@PilgrimSoul: It all depends on how you're defining "bad." Is it just a tongue-in-cheek description of activities that on the surface and in another context are very negative or are you actually placing a value judgment on the action.

@PilgrimSoul: We all have our kinks. Somewhere there's someone who probably thinks yours is offensive, so let's try not to judge.

"Can you believe her? Like I'd ever wear a bra. Ever."