
Geophagy is an interesting topic honestly. Multiple species eat earth for various reasons, and there is some evidence that bats use it for detoxification purposes (and other species have been observed using acidic dirt to neutralize alkaline meals, very cool!). Geophagy has also been documented in many human cultures

Yes, absolutely tell people that they're using the term toxin incorrectly (and that they're using quack science to try and cure themselves). However there are plenty of toxins made by human microbiota and human cells which are quite worrisome, so simply saying "toxins are not a thing" is as fallacious (and I argue

Well, funnily enough "toxin" is a term actually coined by an organic chemist way back when (1800s I think?) to describe materials that living organisms produce that are also harmful. The term has a very specific scientific meaning and there are lots of very important toxins. That bacteria that causes botulism. Snake

That's... horrifying.

This was an awesome essay! Thank you for sharing, it was very thought provoking and I learned a lot (more please?). Quantum chromosomes are an interesting notion though, ultimately they must be entangled with each other, which opens up some very odd questions if say you are a blood donor.

You forgot the gays, something something the gays.

The german word for impressed is beeindruckt. Nicht beeindruckt. It is a word that should be used all the time.

Well then. (Though I also did it for wealth and man do student loans put a dent in that. Still not complaining.)

Try this, it rates your income globally. I'm a grad student making more then 98% of the human race....

I'm of the school where you get tested yearly at least and I try very hard to protect both myself and my partners. Any contact where sperm is in mouth is a huge risk, and someone can easily have an STD and not know about it. Being exposed to semen without knowing would be a terrible violation of not only my body, but

Guys are at least as bad though. Hair perfectly done and all worried about looking impressive.

We were talking about being volunteer counsellors online. Thanks for your concern though (seriously). Sorry I am a bit amped up, the Jez hive has been out in force. I don't like internet-style justice.

Totally agree. Lots of people come to the gym and do a fair bit of socializing. I guess it's a good way to meet people with similar interests?

Oh I'm absolutely triggered to this, but the overall response from Jez (hahaha even joking about violating someone's body is such a lark!) is absolutely not ok. I don't care if they're bullies, eating fecal matter can kill you and if someone fed me semen without my consent I would be livid. I have had a great


Read Brina the Cat's an my conversation

So consider late-term abortion is something that every language and country describes differently. And that may be important, because the US isn't the best at defining or practicing medicine or science. Maybe things could be learned from other countries? Maybe other people's perception's aren't shifted, it's yours?

Did you actually read my other replies? To this exact statement?

Late term abortion can mean a lot of things, and this varies substantially globally (14 wks is when Germany starts restricting abortion). Doctors tend to use menstrual weeks to tell age instead because that is not so wholly subjective a cutoff. Yes, third trimester abortions are rare (there is data!). But saying only