Also this site just messed up all my beautiful formatting. So the second paragraph is for the second gif and the third... well you get it. Cheers!
Also this site just messed up all my beautiful formatting. So the second paragraph is for the second gif and the third... well you get it. Cheers!
No a mob vandalizing is not ok for any reason. And it is terrifying what mob mentality will make us do.
I imagine the fact you feel this way about them comes across loud and clear and they respond in kind.
No news of malpractice yet though, and the few articles that I've found say only "the doctors evilly assumed she was doing meth as a porn actress" with no further info. We have nowheres near enough evidence to speculate. But absolutely if this is discrimination they should be dragged over the coals. (God... SJS and…
So verbatum from the study:
Peer review is fraught with issues, the economist does a nice summary:
.... so we use 30 (for intro stat classes) as the minimal limit for a certain type of data treatment of a data sample. 30 is not the minimum sample size for a scientific study nor does a sample of 30 mean anything with regards to the broader human race, necessarily.
I knew someone with hereditary fructose intolerance (different) but terrifying.
But the author of the article is interpreting this as 37 ppl is representative of the entire population. This is very bad science (on the part of the journalist), even if the statistics for this small group is sound.
Ok, but the headline was openly inflammatory. Gluten sensitivity is a fine term seeing as we don't really have better data yet.
While I applaud your rigor, I worry more about phthalates in our food supply and cosmetics/body care prods. rather more than in sex toys.
They'd probably have to go through your underwear drawer too. For america. And jesus.
Or there's a 40% portion of the populace that is biased and 80% of the population knows them?
What does that mean exactly?
Women have been born with up to five X chromosomes (pentasomy X).
Maybe I'm reading too much into what I read earlier. But the more I look at it, the more I find women (including myself) qualifying their statements or making them questions when we really don't mean for them to be, just to soften up the delivery. So I'm curious, but did you think the quoted section of your article…
I am reminded of that earlier article about lady bosses, where women phrase statements as questions. Thoughts?
You pointed out that the GOP base had some absurd charges laid on Obama. I think laying these charges on Bush is equally as absurd (I'm sure he's responsible for all of them! Himself!!! Cackling evilly as he murders children for oil!). Both president's regime's have done terrible things, and I'm disinclined to cut…
Sigh. So the garbage from X years ago was: Not only did George Bush steal the election, but he went into Iraq knowing that there were no weapons of mass destruction (regardless of how damaging that was to him as a president), he possibly even had a hand in planning 9-11, the Patriot act was a naked power grab by a…