
Late term abortion has a disputed cutoff, 20 weeks is a fairly common definition in the American Med. Ass. papers I've looked at (also 24) but globally that number can vary greatly. However the vast majority of fetuses aren't viable at 20 weeks, and viability's less a line and more of a zone, so it's hard to make

I've said nothing about how the girl will or should be charged. Seeing as the incident occurred in america the matter will be probably handled by one of the students suing. Because of course. The school will probably undertake some disciplinary action, and I certainly don't think she should or will have her life

With my wedding in a month I keep wanting (that's not the right word) to start up again. For the dress, and the pictures... I don't know if you ever get completely over it. I certainly haven't.

I can produce other sources if you so desire, but I generally try to avoid posting papers (some people don't have access to online scientific journals). This Washington Times story gives a fairly impartial summary, but doesn't have as many hard numbers as I like.

If you define after 24 weeks as late-term. Quite a few countries restrict abortions at 14 or 18 weeks though, so that may not be the best global definition. There is some disagreement in the literature as well. But yes, third trimester abortions are incredibly rare.

How'd you get into counseling? (How could I get into counseling?) Our stories are actually really similar, I was raped in junior high by a family member and so things got dark pretty fast, but I managed to pull it mostly together (except for an ED) by the time I was in my final year of HS. That was when I started

Agreed. I once threatened to kill a bully in middle school and it's something that's troubled me ever since. She may have made me feel awful, but I could have handled it in so many better ways. And yeah being a great, successful person is absolutely the best revenge for everything.

No I'm just an adult who believes there are better ways to handle bullies and confrontation.

Thank you, I do appreciate it. I absolutely agree on the seeking help. There's so much pain and anger here.

Well that's not quite true. Mostly it's not for medical reasons with the fetus. I've found a couple sources, but wikipedia's the best for easy reading, and is linked below. It's also not incredibly rare, depending on what you define as late term it's up to 10% of abortions.

I've replied to your doppleganger on this thread I believe, so you can find that reply yourself. I read quite well though, in several languages, and am currently working my way through As I Lay Dying (fantastic book, would recommend, very depressing though).

I don't know what the bullies did so I can't say anything about that. But I do know what the girl did, and if she'd just made nasty cupcakes and given them to the other students that would be one thing, it would be funny. But she crossed a line when she told them it was semen/feces. That is not ok. I'm sorry you were

I'm so sorry! That was absolutely not my intent! Nothing is trivial about what you or I or so many other have been through. All I meant was, though these are orders of magnitude different, I know that if someone exposed me to possibly getting an STD or put semen in my mouth when I had consented to no sexual contact I

I take sexual assaults (having been raped as a child it's something I feel very strongly about) and any violation of a person's body very seriously. That is why I don't find this funny.

Please stop being so condescending and imagine if you or your child was violated like this. You don't know if they were infected with something that could hospitalize or affect them for the rest of their life. This isn't a joke.

Honestly hair I can deal with, the chances for disease transmission are lower there. It's the bodily fluids that could do real harm.

I said nothing about plausibility. There is no evidence to disprove her initial assertion. Someone calls in a bomb threat or a fire or a medical emergency, you respond as if it is true regardless of plausibility. This girl said she exposed other students to things that could give them STDs or a wide variety of

So you'd be ok with someone feeding you unknowingly a substance that you could be allergic to (if it was jsut mayo), something that could make you gravely ill (if feces), or something that could expose you to STDs (if semen)? This is not just fucking with people's heads it's endangering them.

I read several articles on this and all state that the police didn't test the cupcakes and have no idea what was in it aside from the word of the girl. And research is pretty conclusive that police are pretty bad at telling when people are lying. But I don't think that's the real issue here.

And your point is?