
We don't know that. The police have no evidence for or against aside from the girl's story and how plausible they think it is. (And based on the body of scientific literature police are not great at telling when they've been lied to). Regardless, telling someone that you've exposed them to STDs or disease is akin to

We don't know that at all. The police just know what the girl who made the cupcakes told them and she has a great incentive to lie. But that's really beside the point.

So you can consent to eat cupcakes and not consent to eat semen. I think that's a pretty big distinction.

Go back under your bridge.

She caused the students bodily harm. Forcing people to eat feces and semen is not ok!

Listen, I'm sure you love the revenge fantasy and good on those bullies getting their comeuppance! But we don't know what these "bullies" did to the girl, we only know the gross violation of these people's bodies that the girl perpetrated upon them. Even if it was just condiments, if you lie and harm someone by lying

So hostile. They consented to eat cupcakes. They did not consent to eat semen, feces, or pubic hair, which she told them they had. A prank can be assault.

So in case someone whips out the whole "Darwinian evolution is just a theory" shtick.... The difference between scientific theory and scientific law is actually pretty stunningly vague, but usually involves a proposed explanation (theory) as opposed to stating what will happen under conditions X,Y, and Z (law).

This is emotional and sexual abuse she inflicted en masse. Not ok.

You're joking right? This is assault and a wholly inappropriate way to react to anything.

I agree with whoever said feeding feces, cum, and whatnot to someone without their consent should be assault and sexual assault. This is a vile way to respond to anything and the girl should be charged. Bullying is not ok but this retaliation is a whole new level of not ok. And any kid who actually planned this out,

That's rough. I would send you all the cat gifs.

Cats are bastards sometimes. :)

My SO master'd out in biology, having a devil of a time finding work. I'm going to an absurdly prestigious grad school with one of the best employment rates for alumni on the planet and have already been courted by a large electronics firm for one of my dream jobs (my other childhood dream was to be an astronaut

My cat once was missing for two weeks, I tore the neighborhood up, looked everywhere, gave up, and then she came home! (Skinny as a rail and with a broken tail, but we fattened her up and now she's strictly indoors. Don't give up hope!)

Curly fries..... only fast food I eat.

The world may never know.

This happened to me too! Gent got ivy'ed. Lady did not. Was even next to a church. Both parties were kinda jerks though...

And it would be the perfect game?

In this case the accusation's false... but there have been others. I can see why Jez might have been lax with it's due diligence, and they did announce it was a hoax when they got the info.