While Jez should have waited for confirmation of the stories' validity I fail to see where calling a lady (who possibly knew nothing about this being a hoax) a "fucking fame-hungry moron" helps.
While Jez should have waited for confirmation of the stories' validity I fail to see where calling a lady (who possibly knew nothing about this being a hoax) a "fucking fame-hungry moron" helps.
I'm sure that Palin has several very nice literate writers who craft her speeches for her with the exact intention of sounding folksy and relatable to the crazies. That doesn't mean they can't write, it just means they have awful ideals.
Have you read Atlas Shrugged? It was about as complex as a Sarah Palin speech. Stunningly idiotic and transparent. Like Twilight for militant libertarians who have no empathy. Or for 14yr old kids who haven't figured out the world is a complex place and just want to be right.
If you ever get the chance read Casanova's Histoire de Ma Vie. Usually I don't like translations but Casanova's story is well worth it.
So maybe fat shaming isn't the best way to react here? The woman did something horrible, this is in no way related to how much or little she enjoys Denny's.
This is only sorta related, but I have a (white straight male) friend who's new to feminism. He's having some issues with the ins and outs. I was wondering what's a good book/blog/anything to recommend?
I dunno... could be nice to have an in-between state.
I think you have way too much faith in the american immigration system, we already know they discriminate based on appearance and names... so it's really not that much of a stretch. You get a guard having a bad day on the border or an overzealous agent... yeesh. Likely we'll never know! I produced the fact that they…
It would be silly for them to stop people just because their name resembles something or someone else's....
L'enfer c'est les autres. Aussi la police.
Because IQ is an objective and useful measure of intelligence.
Any other time she would accumulate 25$ worth of fines and no demerit points on her license for 10 km over the speed limit in ON. Source: My ON driver's license test. The police report ruled that the biggest factor was the lack of cyclist visibility (the cyclists were also breaking the law). It was a horrible accident…
Because his family sued first and are alleging horrible things about her that the police investigation doesn't substantiate. It's a terrible situation all around.
1. She took a sobriety test at the scene and passed.
Would you please read this article? It addresses the fact that she was speeding by 10 km in an 80 km/hr zone (like going 56 in a 50 mph zone), passed a roadside sobriety test, the boys bicycles were illegally not equipped with either headlights nor a taillight, they were wearing dark clothing, minimal reflectors, and…
The family filed suit first alleging that she was drunk and talking on her phone (neither of which were held up by either police probe), this is a countersuit. The original suit amount was near a million as well. It's all absurd.
Go Away.
The investigation here? I'm assuming that you're not from ON if you're referring to York as small-town (York is part of Toronto). In fact the entire region (Golden Horseshoe) is the most densely populated in Canada. The woman passed a roadside test at the scene and the probe that was undertaken at the deceased boy's…